Aine in Myths and legends; the Celtic race (1910) by T. W. Rolleston. Its also a warning about what the land will eventually do to us all if we continue on the path of resource rape, and environmental poisoning that our current society follows. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. ine enchants the hillside of Cnoc ine, causing peas to grow there miraculously overnight. However, these sad tales brought celtic women who were living under similar difficult situations and facing same risks closer to the divinity, gave them a light of hope and reminded them of the joys of summertimes. Whenever I feel as though I would be better off with a partner, I think of ine. Your email address will not be published. ine understood what would happen to Ailill, and soon he was stripped of his rulership. Traditionally in Penzance, West Cornwall, St Johns Eve is celebrated with an evening torchlight procession, music and a dancing pagan Obby Oss, known as Penglaz, which leads the procession of people holding torches, not unlike the cliars at Cnoc Aine, throughout the town. But this is precisely what a band of Celtic mercenaries known as the Gaesatae Long before the chemical composition of water was discovered, ancient cultures recognized it as the elixir of life, protected and ruled over by powerful deities . site design/coding 2023 The White Goddess:v4.0.0 :21/08/2012. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds. Aengus - Celtic God of Love, Youth, Summer and poetry. From all of Aines folklore its safe to say that if she had a saying it would be: As you sow, so shall you reap. Conors favourite types of articles to write are ones which involve history, scenic locations and the news. But I am not here to debate whether or not she is the Morrigan. Aine is the Goddess of Love and Fertility, summer, wealth and sovereignty. Copyright 2019 - 2023 Ireland Before You Die | Trading under, ine the Irish Goddess: The story of the Irish Goddess of Summer and Wealth. Each goddess has a fascinating myth and associations, which can be worked with through spiritual exercise. Dislikes: ine was said to have taken an oath to never sleep with a man with grey hair. The Oenach festival continued here up until the 20th century [3]. On Saint John's Eve men used to gather on Cnoc ine, where she was said to dwell, where they would light clars - bunches of straw and hay tied on poles - that were carried in procession to the top of the hill. Aine is often remembered as a Celtic goddess of love. This course is a celebration of the Divine Feminine around the world. It induces ecstasy, and often the end result is a new life. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. She is said to carry a harp, and when her music falls upon deserving ears, the person is stuck with divine inspiration. 2. This is a nod to her association with both the sun and the moon. The Newsletter is due to be published in -44944 days, on the . I love Aine (and still enjoy that soup recipe in the winter time); but, since it had been three years since I "worked" with her on the soup recipe, I couldn't remember how to pronounce her name. Thank you for your article about Aine. Today Aine is seen both as a Sun Goddess, due to Her associations with Midsummer, and at times as a Moon Goddess. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2022Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. ine, the legendary Irish Goddess, is the Celtic Goddess of Summer and Wealth who, while known for her healing nature, also had a dark side, as she became famous for how she took revenge on a cruel Irish king. A geas is a magical promise that shouldn't ever be broken. ine was in love with a man named Fionn, who still maintained his youth. She is now a distant memory in folklore and tradition. Aine is the Goddess of Love and Fertility summer wealth and sovereignty. References [2] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11] [13] [14] [15] [16] Michael Dames Mythic Ireland (Thames & Hudson, 1992), [1] [3] [4] Jack Roberts The Sacred Mythological Centres of Ireland (Bandia, 1996), [5] [10] D. Fitzgerald Popular Tales of Ireland (1876), [12] Carry Meehan The travellers guide to sacred Ireland (Gothic Image, 2002). Visit the Forum to discuss this topic and others! 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding, The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt, The Accidental Mummy: the discovery of an impeccably preserved woman from the Ming Dynasty, 10 Shocking Facts about the Ancient Romans, 16 Spectacular Photos of Indias Once-Powerful Hilltop Forts, How A Handful of Yamnaya Culture Nomads Became the Fathers of Europe, LiDAR Reveals Massive Mobilization of Labor Needed to Build Maya Site, Mother and Child Reunion Of Thetis And Achilles, Seductive Sirens of Greek Mythology and How Heroes Resisted Them, Celestial Goddess Selene: The Ancient Greek Goddess of the Moon, Pegasus of Greek Mythology: Majestic Winged Horse of Mount Olympus, Dreams of Human-Powered Flight: Daedalus and the Story of Icarus, Roland the Farter: Medieval Englands Celebrity Flatulist. Aine is a nurturing and sensual muse capable of bringing both joy and pain. ine Offerings Invocations & Prayers Further reading Myths of ine ine was known as the daughter of Egobail, an Irish God. When working with a Goddess or deity, its important to offer something in return for their blessings. ine has always been associated with the west of Ireland and with County Limerick in particular, where there is Knockainey Hill, Cnoc ine in Irish, which was named in her honour. $15.80. Although She was a very powerful, important tutelary Goddess, still very much honoured and respected by the local people up until the 20th century, very little is known about Her. Magickal & Witch Names Join the Challenge! Aine is also part of the Triple Goddess group with her two sisters - Fenne andGrianne. That is truly divine. As Fionn emerged from the water, his hair was as silver as the midnight moon. Some identify her as a brighter side of the famous goddess Morrigan. However, it was her tragic interaction with the cruel king of Munster, Oilill Olum, and its aftermath which forged her place in history as an important figure of Irish legend. The Stories Behind Seven of the Worst Massacres in Ancient History. God of the Earth, and father God. Through her relationships with human men it is said she gave birth to the first magical/humans. One day, King Ailill sought out help for his kingdoms vegetation. He has been a regular writer for Ireland Before You Die, The World Bucket List and Meanwhile in Ireland since 2019. Aine remains at these quiet spots and Her energy can still be called upon to those who genuinely seek Her presence; as we found in undertaking our Summer Solstice ritual. The Kings fall from grace was one example of ines ability to provide authority and power and remove it just as swiftly. Legends associate a cave at Knockadoon with the Tir na nog (Celtic otherworld) and it is from here that Aine arrived to sit on the Surdeachan (also known as the birthing chair) to give birth at Lammas to Eithne (Gaelic for kernel or grain). As the maiden, Aine has often been seen in the persona of a mermaid, combing Her hair in or nearby the water. C Chullain - Demigod and Warrior Hero. He reawakens on Suidheachn Bean-a'-tighe to find that all the guineas have turned to gorse but that the gold purse that ine gave him is still there and never runs empty.[13]. ine, pronounced awn-ya, was a legendary Irish goddess who was said to represent the sun, fertility, and love. Her celebration took place on August 1st. ine (Irish pronunciation: ) is an Irish goddess of summer, wealth and sovereignty. Researchers in England had always known there was something special about these 65 graves. In the booklet providing further descriptions of the cards, Virtue writes that you should call upon ine whenever you need guidance and the courage to take risks. In The Legend of Sen hAodh, the herdsman piper Sen hAodh meets ine, clothed in fine white robes, near Lough Gur in August, and she requests Sen to play at a ball. In folklore from County Limerick,[9] ine is said to have two daughters whom she admonished never to marry. I find her energy to be quite invigorating, as she embodies the essence of womanhood unrestrained. This enraged Ailill then; he thrust his spear into Aine; he did her nohonour, he left her dead.''. She is also remembered for how she took revenge on a terrible king who wronged her. The Dramatic True Story Behind Disney's Mulan, The One Night House: Squatters from Welsh Folklore, Eight Bizarre Superstitions from Ancient History, Ten amazing inventions from ancient times, 6 Shockingly Successful Ancient Warfare Tactics. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Lough Gur: Home of ine the Sun Goddess. Thank Goddess for the memory of the older generations, those who document folktales and researchers who have kept the tales and traditions alive for us. Again, the young lady looked puzzled at our request but invited her elderly grandmother to speak to us. [5], In other tales ine is the wife of Gerald FitzGerald, 3rd Earl of Desmond, known popularly as "Iarl Gearid". They found that although their procession was in total darkness, the supernatural gathering burned their torches even brighter, as if to compensate for the humans. ine was said to be very beautiful, and as such, it was said that she had many different lovers who would be consumed by her passion. Find more topics about working with the Fae in our Coven. She is associated with midsummer and the sun,[1] and is sometimes represented by a red mare. ine then shuts herself into her house as a recluse and will only commune with the Sidhe. ine teaches us to stand proud and to never shy away from our reflections. She is associated with summertimethe summer solstice and the two days following are her sacred days. She has the unique power of being a goddess who can help attract a partner or cause chaos to an unwanted lover. Yet these sad stories actually brought her closer to the women who lived in the tough Celtic world. Often associated with summertime, her energy is warm, abundant, and empowering. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Woodfield, S. (2011). Although Aine died in this story, she remained immortal in Irish mythology and in the pantheon of Irish deities. It is said that ine taught humans the meaning of love and brought luck and blessings to them. On one St Johns Eve night Aine appeared to a group of girls who lingered upon the hill to watch the festivities. As a goddess of the moon, she also became a deity of agriculture and cared for the crops. In this article, well explore the story of this goddess, her mythology, and how to worship ine with offerings, symbols and correspondences. Bonfires and torches were traditionally lit on that night, and it was believed that the faery folk carried lights, led by goddess ine. She can teach you the secrets of sex magick, one of the most potent forms of magick as it utilizes your life force. Like so many Celtic goddesses and gods, Aine has assumed many other roles over the years, being seen as a Moon Goddess, a Goddess of Love, a Fertility Goddess, a Healing Goddess, and a Sovereignty Goddess. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. Candidate at the Faculty of Languages, University of Gdansk. Munster is a province in Knockainey Co. (also named after the goddess) in Southwest Ireland while Cnoc Aine is her sacred faery hill. One legend holds that she did have a magical son, however. Goddess of Rivers, Water, Wells, Prosperity, Magick, and Wisdom. She dies of grief on Saint John's Eve, and the good folk assemble in great masses bearing torches. She is most present during the summer solstice aka Litha and Lughnasadh. In Doreen Virtues Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards, ines card is titled Leap of Faith. He turned to his son and said, Now you have forced me to leave you.1And with that, he stood and left the banquet hall. The Goddess Temple: Myths & Symbols of the Divine Feminine in History, ine, the Goddess of Fairies: Symbols and Mythology, Celtic Flame: An Insiders Guide to Irish Pagan Tradition, Pagan Portals Irish Paganism: Reconstructing Irish Polytheism, Goddess Alive! Ultimately, the attraction was always fatal for her lovers. Manannan - Celtic God of the Sea. It says: ''1. Aines sacred lake, Lough Gur, is known for its healing qualities. She is a goddess of fertility, protection, healing, Magic, luck, the earth and the moon. 7 Child Monarchs from History and How They Changed the World, The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, What is a Wendigo? At Samhain Aine is said to emerge from the sidhe of Aine, a cairn located to the east of the barrows, with Her red bull. She guards livestock, crops . ine was one of the goddesses who eventually suffered at the hands of Christian monks who sought to do away with all of Irelands pagan beliefs. We highlight the most inspiring experiences Ireland has to offer. Food: Grains, dairy products like cheese or eggs Drink: Milk, beer, wine Artwork of Aine at Midsummer by Wendy Andrew. However, their love story was short-lived due to certain magical interference. When they arrive at ine's mansion, Sen plays the pipes before fine ladies and gentlemen until the early morning hours, but when the sun rises, he sees fish shoaling outside the windows and realizes he is at the bottom of Lough Gur. Every misfortune visited him after that, but before he died, he requested that the comb be thrown back into the lake. Golden comb: Each year at Midsummer, ine would emerge at her favourite spot to brush her golden hair with a golden comb. She has never been Christianised, and traditions (recorded up until the 1970s) relating to Her that were practised remained truly pagan [1]. Local people considered it to be of the sidhe and no one would willingly spend a night within a mile of the shore. 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In Celtic tradition, a king must be perfectly intact in order to rule over the land. She is also called Grian, which means Sun, as well as Queen of the Fairies of South Munster., Forum Discussion: Aine Celtic Sun Goddess. ( levigilant). People in Limerick once brought their sick to the lakes on the 6th night of the full moon (called "All-Heal") when the moon shone brightly on the waters. Gerid said that he couldnt, but the embarrassed Earl told him there was no way he was going to let a woman show him up and ordered him to try it. Positive, Inspiring, Uplifting Spells That Work. ine Irish Goddess Prayer Beads and Bracelet Set, Abundance, Sovereignty Prayer Beads, Fairy Queen, Celtic prayer beads, Midsummer solstice MorningMoonCreations (394) $69.30 $77.00 (10% off) FREE shipping Aine, Celtic Goddess art, bringer of joy and Faerie Queen, Goddess Altar, Spiritual Art, Pagan Altar fairy decor OlivosARTstudio (741) $38.00 Required fields are marked *. Aine is also known to be one of the fastest of the fae when in the form of Lair Derg, the red mare. She can teach men who have been raised to be stoic, proud, and strong how to be sensitive, humble, and gentle. One of the first thoughts I had when I first gave birth to my son was, This is Heaven. She teaches us, most importantly, to love ourselves. Aine taught her human children how to love one another and how to express that love. Her name has several meanings: good, bright, joy, splendor, radiance, and glory. Help me to know my gift, and share it with the world. Photo Source: ( Caroline Evans ), Ellis, Peter Berresford,Dictionary of Celtic Mythology (Oxford Paperback Reference), Oxford University Press, (1994), Aine, Irish Goddess of Love and Faerie Queen, available at:, Aine, available at:, Aine, Summer Goddess of Love, Light and Fertility by JudithShaw, available at:, Natalia Klimczak is an historian, journalist and writer andis currently a Ph.D. She is a goddess of agriculture, fertility, and abundance. Danu, Celtic Mother Goddess: Symbols & Offerings. Aine is certainly a mother, and she is part of a triple goddess archetype with her sisters Fenne and Grainne. Pagan Holiday Celebrations Join the Witchy Challenge! Spellbound by the goddess, these men were said to do whatever she commanded. Her name can be translated as Brightness, Delight, or Radiance. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Aine is the Goddess of Love and Fertility, summer, wealth and sovereignty. Rites in her honour were held regularly as recently as 1879, where Midsummer rituals were performed by locals in hopes of encouraging fertility and bountiful harvests. ine ("Awn-ya") is a goddess of the Tuatha D Danann, and she is also a queen of the sde ("shee") - a fairy queen. You can contact Allorah at the following social media sitesFacebook,Instagram,TikTok,Pinterest, on The Wayfaring Witch website via live chat, or by e-mail The point of these brownies is to create a sweet dark food that, as I eat it (with intention), will assist me in "sweetening" the process of incorporating, into my greater whole, all the seemingly yucky dark bits of my psyche that are hidden in my subconscious mind. As the goddess of love and fertility, she had command over crops and animals and is . Mine is painting. It is said that Aine pulled back Her cloak to reveal a portal into the otherworld, whereby the Sidhe had already started to gather upon the hill [6]. For centuries, people would climb the 528-foot hill Knock ine to chant and dance to welcome the fiery sphere into the sky. When Oilill Olum arrived there, he suddenly fell into a deep sleep and had a vision of ine, who came to him as she was the Goddess of bountiful harvests and fertility. In the mid 19th century it was reported that Aine came out of the lake and sat upon the Surdeachan, a flat topped limestone slab also known as the house-keepers seat to comb Her hair with a golden comb. Her animal associations are the "red mare", cattle and geese and her colour associations, red and gold. In Irish mythology, ine is depicted as the faery Queen, goddess of the moon, goddess of the earth and nature, and a lady of the lake. To birth that which I am called to do. One story of ine describes her as taking a geas that would restrict her from sleeping with a man with gray hair. Aine is associated with the sun and moon, fertility, love, sex, agriculture, livestock, prosperity, abundance, luck, summer, wealth, healing, water, and air. In others, it is said that the Earl forced himself upon her and in return she bit his ear so that he could no longer retain his power (you could not hold a position of power if you were physically imperfect). Happy love tales as well as sad stories about her were told. ine, pronounced 'awn-ya', was a legendary Irish goddess who was said to represent the sun, fertility, and love. I came across your article about Aine (along with your helpful pronunciation). AINE: Goddess of fertility and summer. [12] They believed that if the sick were not healed by the 8th or 9th night that ine would sing or play the Ceol Sidhe, which was used to comfort the dying. ( The Commons ). Thankfully it is not completely lost to the mists of time as Michael Dames fantastic book Mythic Ireland has a great photograph of it & explains its location! Doreen Virtue, Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards. ine retaliated by biting off his ear. In another folktale, ine was said to live at the bottom of a lake. Although there are few tales associated with Aine within Her Crone aspect at Lough Gur, there are many tales at Cnoc Aine. But she was also adeity of wealth, sovereignty, and the summer. A geas is a magical promise that shouldnt ever be broken. You can never truly love another person until you love yourself. "brightness, glow, joy, radiance; splendour, glory, fame") is sometimes mistakenly equated with Danu as her name bears a superficial resemblance to Anu. She is the mother aspect of the triple goddess along with her sisters Fenne and Grainne. They have quite a number of similarities, and their worship centered in Munster. Furiously,Eogabul(of thesidhe)and Ailill grappled point to point; Eogabul was stricken down, andAine(of thesidhe)was overthrown. Aine is often remembered as a Celtic goddess of love. Of what wood is the poisonous, handsome tree subject of such treachery? ine can be evoked through any of her symbols when used as sigils, or by lighting a gold candle. Today, I felt her "calling" to me, suggesting that she could help as I attempted to create a batch of "Shelley's Shadow Brownies." She was kidnapped by the Earl of Desmond, and she finally agreed to marry him, only after he promised to never be surprised by any children she bore him. Moreover, natural stones like these are the way to the Fae (faeries). Archaeologists in the UK have shown how ancient elite families retained their command over communities in the medieval world crannogs in north-western Europe. Ine is said that ine taught humans the meaning of love as a! 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