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Dr Vance recorded that only one of the boys who had come back after six years of evacuation had ever seen inside of the School buildings. Topical steroids are the most commonly prescribed topical med src: coupling (or coupler ) is the mechanism for connecting rolling stock on a train. Throughout the twelve years of Mr. Gormally's Headship, examination results at the School were outstanding, even taking into account alleged grade inflation' during these years, and the School featured year on year amongst the very highest achieving of schools both at GCSE and A Level. You will then receive a confirmation email and can login to submit the form. People who took Further Maths A-level, how overwhelming was it? Ahead of Speech Day, we wanted to celebrate our teaching and support staff, many of whom studied and trained with us. Jan Pie?kowski; Polish-born British author of children's books--as illustrator, as writer, and as designer of movable books, Richard Daniel Roman (b. In April 1968, the uncertainty was ended, for the moment, when it was proposed by the ILEA that the Vaughan should remain a three-form grammar school pending amalgamation as an eight-form comprehensive after 1975'. Graham Wilding remembers the kindness of one of his teachers: 'I can never see a Kit Kat without thinking of Miss Agnes Simpson, the only lady member of staff, who purchased a box full and distributed them among her group to allay the increasing pangs of hunger.' The staff took great confidence from the certainty of his support. Bernard Joy (1911-1984); Footballer. Thirty years later, the potentially greater transition from selective to voluntary aided status caused fewer heartaches. The choir has appeared on radio and TV broadcasts, including BBC Radio 4's Sunday Worship, Vatican Radio, and the religious choral programme Songs of Praise on BBC television. v Latymer Upper School, 10 Teams 4 Teams Two classes were held in the top rooms. A young lady called Bernadette Murphy occupies a special niche in the Vaughan story. It had been Liam Cooney's idea that the use of the two school buildings should be reversed allowing him to establish a different atmosphere, more akin to a Sixth Form College for the top three years of the School. Which universities have the best modern language departments? Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the 'father' of his generation of artists) by one of the Tate Modern's art lecturers and then explored his work in the exhibition. They show little inclination to study; their ability is slight; their concentration is almost nil; and what is worse they show strange lack of the sense of religion. Frank was one of the last teachers to be appointed by Dr Vance and took up his duties under Monsignor Butcher in 1948 until his retirement in 1978. Only the 1st and 2nd XI teams play Saturday morning fixtures during the Michaelmas term. Secondly, he was the most visible of all Vaughan Headmasters, constantly seen in the playground and around the buildings, knowing every child by name. They were addressed by Pope John Paul II. what uni course combinations are possible. This is the last year for students at the Vaughan. Boys frequently perform in professional contexts and have sung with the London Symphony Orchestra, the Bach Choir and the Chorus of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden. All students are recognised as individuals and achieve ambitious goals. Our pupils also performed at some of the worlds most prestigious venues, including the Royal Opera House and Royal Albert Hall, and put on a series of concerts and carol services during December for the local community. Our Year 13 graduates this year recommend our Sixth Form because it has high quality teaching, continuous support from subject teachers within a friendly, social environment with pastoral staff that really care about your personal goals, not just your grades and they know you on a personal level, know your strengths and weaknesses, keeping you on track with your work and up-to-date with your progress . The following schools have been added as named feeder primary schools: Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School SW7 5AQ, St Augustines Catholic Primary School W6 8QE, St John XXIII Catholic Primary School W12 7QT and St Josephs Catholic Primary School W9 1DF. Many former pupils go on to play with Rugby League teams after their time at Vaughan. Girls who join the school at this time are required to wear the Vaughan maroon blazer and grey skirt. Although Mr Gormally was very much Head of the whole School, he nonetheless left the running of the Upper School to Liam Cooney, his First Deputy Headmaster. The available information indicates CVMS have a good overall success rate in A-levels and getting offers from well-respected, guessing that's a good enough indicator? We are a friendly, safe and supportive environment where all of our students enjoy an excellent . Teachers who had spent most, if not all, of their careers in a selective grammar school were, not unnaturally, a little apprehensive. At Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form were in YOUR corner. Many former pupils became international footballers, including Bernard Joy, Udo Onwere, Eddie Newton and Kevin Gallen. Pupils in Years 7-11 will dress in the all black Vaughan suit with the Vaughan Lower School Tie, a tie that bears the Vaughan School colours. 1. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School 89 Addison Road, London W14 8BZ . 26 Jan 2023. Please refer to our Privacy Notices herefor information about the data we collect and how we use it. These generally take place during the Lent term. The roll was steadily increasing and the question of recruiting a third form of entry was first discussed as early as 1955, but not finally agreed by the London County Council until December 1961, In February 1959 Cardinal Godfrey was able to announce to the Governors that negotiations were now in hand for the building of an entirely new Vaughan School. The Schola also visited Assisi and sang Mass in the Patriarchal Basilica of San Francesco. Some boys were more fortunate than others. Third Form pupil, Malakai Bayoh, recorded two songs with Aled Jones for Classic FM. Here are some photos from his time at the school ACN United Kingdom - Aid to the Church in Need. Help me choose between Cardinal Vaughan and . These establishments are linked with The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School, URN: 141931. How much support and/or success does the school have with Universities? If you are interested in teaching or training to teach at Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School, email - we would love to hear from you! Former pupils of this period almost universally acknowledge that the Vaughan influenced their lives in many ways. If a boy finishes his school training as a Catholic gentleman, he will have qualities beyond price.' Mr Gormally was taken ill in 2008 and retired formally a year later in 2009. Extensive dry rot was discovered and had to be remedied. At the heart of the campaign, however, lay a deep sense of frustration among the Vaughan parents. Our most recent Ofsted report stated; "Leaders have developed detailed and appropriate curriculum plans, including in the sixth form. In fact, Dr Vance was anxious to resort to punishment as little as possible: 'Both the fact of punishment and the wish to avoid punishment ultimately appeal to fear. Very appropriately, the ceremony marked the Golden Jubilee of the School's foundation in 1914. The caps and the general grammar school air may have been too provocative for pupils in the neighbouring Holland Park School. Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School (6th Form) Filter By Providing leading brands with outstanding value It goes without saying that schoolwear must be hard wearing, which is why we place emphasis on quality and deal with top manufacturers. This growth enabled Canon Driscoll to build up a young and energetic teaching staff, many of whom would form the nucleus of Vaughan teachers for years to come. Hi CTMSW6, Wondering if you managed to get get any insights into CVMS Sixth form? School journeys are yearly ski trips, modern language trips and French exchanges; over the years, a great many boys have visited countries as far afield as the United States and Greece. The environment created encourages me to work independently during my study periods., The career guidance I have received has made me keenly aware of the opportunities available to me for a life after sixth form., The university style of studying and learning prepared us for higher education and employment., Lessons are really interesting and due to the number of lessons a week my learning is supported., 2023 Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School School Website Design by e4education High Visibility Version Sitemap, Collaborative Sixth Form Options Form 2020, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Admission Appeals will be held in September 2023. In this year, students also begin to apply to university. After only a year on the staff he was appointed to the post of Discipline Master in the Lower School and, in 1969, despite being the youngest of the candidates, he was appointed Deputy Head. v Rutlish School, 6 Teams Some remarkable engineering took place to cure this problem. Anthony Pellegrini (1976-1997) By 1972 the governors were once again considering new reorganisation proposals and were involved in long negotiations with the Westminster Diocesan Schools' Commission and the Inner London Education Authority. The next addition to the school was a third floor to the New Building; the 3.6m project houses modern music facilities. Mr. Gormally would have very much agreed with Dr. Vance's list of reasons why the boys should be forgiven certain indiscretions. To a degree, Father Kenefeck lived under the shadow of Dr Vance and Monsignor Butcher and was perhaps conscious that he lacked their charisma. John Sankey (later to have a distinguished career in the Foreign Office) recalls spending part of the last year of the war there. To complete the School's Supplementary Information Form, use Register Here. He had served at the Vaughan during its evacuation to Windsor but his time as Headmaster was limited to four years because of his appointment in 1952 as President of St Edmund's, Ware. Learn more. 'We had, therefore, the difficulty of starting a new school on the old site.' Conditional offers will be made by the end of February 2023. Garry Herbert OBE; Rowing Cox, Olympic Gold Medalist at the 1992 Summer Olympics and Gold Medalist at the World Rowing Championships in 1993. While there were still many lessons to learn and some mistakes yet to be made, the transition went remarkably smoothly. Things that set the Vaughan apart from other Sixth Forms include the fact that you are given a dedicated form tutor upon arrival in Year 12, with a team of staff who are willing to go above and beyond to help you succeed in your endeavours, as well as a rich programme of speakers, workshops, careers mentoring, and higher education guidance. English folk have lesser faults.' 'Americans are boastful; Irishmen are quarrelsome, the French are fussy, and the Germans oppressive. For example, they may be predecessor or successor establishments. In the second year of sixth-form, upper sixth-former students can drop one of their chosen subjects, reducing their timetable to three lessons a day, with two free periods. Showing 1 - 1 of 1. It was especially inspiring for Third and Fourth Form pupils as they begin to consider the subjects they want to take forward to GCSE. As with the induction work, it is imperative that you meet the deadline set; this demonstrates your commitment to the subject and a level of independence that is required to be successful at this level of study. Antonio Vivaldi He confessed to having spent the summer months anxiously worrying about how many boys would face him on opening day. In September 1997, Anthony Pellegrini was succeeded as Headmaster by Michael Gormally. There are four houses named after Catholic figures, Campion, Fisher, Mayne and More. For sciences and computers? Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School is a Roman Catholic day secondary school in Holland Park with approximately 950 students. During the summer holidays of 1945 a party of Fifth- and Sixth- Formers spent several days helping to move the Vaughan back to Addison Road. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School 1mo Report this post Report . This was not the case -- there were other very strong candidates -- but the Governors offered the role to Michael Gormally and he did not disappoint with his remarkable stewarding of the School over the next 12 years. In retrospect one is struck by the inordinate amount of time that had to be given to these proposals and the constantly changing plans appear quite bewildering. After all, they themselves, many of them married men, had to endure the privations of evacuation and run a school at the same time. Nevertheless, his achievements were considerable in their own right, his priorities as Headmaster summed up In a little booklet he wrote entitled 'A Talk to Parents of New Boys': 'No Catholic school would be fulfilling its purpose if its sole occupation were to push knowledge into more or less receptive heads. An outstanding scientist, he spent many years in the inadequate laboratories at the top of the Old Building. John Bibby, a former teacher of Religious Education, wrote: 'The Vaughan has never been a place where people just did their own thing. This was clearly recognition both of his administrative ability and his potential for further promotion, as was demonstrated when he was appointed Headmaster in 1976. Vaughan boys compete in many competitions across the country and against other schools, and also in annual House Varsity games. What kind of a Headmaster was Michael Gormally? The United States was immensely popular and possibly seen as not quite so 'foreign' as Europe. Changing trains at Richmond, the boys guessed that the destination was Windsor. This it soon undertook under the direction of Frank Handyside. Sixth-form French and Art pupils attended a talk about Czanne (whom Picasso regarded as the father of his generation of artists)by one of the Tate Moderns art lecturers and then explored his work in the exhibition. Sign In | Group Sign In Shopping Cart They were extremely unpopular with the boys who considered that prefects and teachers expended a ridiculous amount of energy trying to make people wear them until the end of the third year. This new floor holds a professional recording studio, a Music Technology Suite with 20 computers, nine practice rooms, a Song School for choral singing and equipped for recording, two full-sized classrooms and a large rehearsal hall. Contact Info. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY. You can update your choices at any time in your settings. Perhaps the most loved of all teachers during these years was Mr Frank Handyside. One young pupil was somewhat confused by the mixture of clerical and lay staff. Thirty- nine other Vaughan boys, including Donald's brother Desmond, were to give their lives for their country Six hundred bombs were dropped on Windsor. In September 1986 the Vaughan parents responded to the Diocese's formal approval for Secondary Reorganisation in the Central Area by establishing an Action Croup to oppose the proposals. Guns in the Great Park went into action. Welcome to the 2022 Bridging work to help you bridge the gap between Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5. The first lay master, M J. Cobb, joined in 1915 followed by Father Parsons, Mr Connell and Miss Ashlyn, the first female teacher. Martin Cross (b. Martin Cross and Gary Herbert have gone on to win medals in Olympic rowing. OP's posts: See all Add message Report Further first-class facilities for Football, Rugby, Athletics and Cricket were also provided at our playing fields. Please only use the address supplied to ensure your work is received. [Blog], University of Oxford 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Official Thread, NICS Staff Officer and Deputy Principal recruitment 2022. Other members of staff who played an important role in the lives of the older boys and girls during these years included Brendan Daintith, Paula Whyte and more latterly, Caroline Whelan. 21. Pellegrini, the first headmaster who was not a cleric, was appointed in 1976. P. J. Honey; Irish-born Vietnamese language scholar and historian. Like their parents and teachers, they teach by example; younger boys have the right to expect the very best example from these senior members of the School. In the autumn of 1927 Canon Driscoll's health began to fail and he died December 29, at the age of 57. At the age of 16 lower sixth-former students can pursue four subjects to study further. I was astonished to discover his flair as a painter.' going to bed reasonably early. For details of our courses click on the subject links below: Cardinal Vaughan has an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams (incl. The choir visited Paris in November 2007, singing High Mass at Notre Dame Cathedral. OUR ADMISSION ARRANGEMENTSOuradmission process, including the criteria we use when we are oversubscribed, is set out fully in the Admission Arrangements. One of the significant events of these years was the building of the new pavilion. Cardinal Vaughan has an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, from sports teams (incl. It had been a unique and proud chapter in the Vaughan's history. Thank youJasmine Takharfor inspiring our students. School capacity Help with school capacity field Opens a dialog 922. History of the School. ADMISSION POLICY FOR THE 2020- 2021 ACADEMIC YEAR . We are delighted and privileged to welcome Most Rev Dr Jude Arogundade, Bishop of Ondo, southern Nigeria, to speak with our enthusiastic Lower School students at Cardinal Vaughan tomorrow. A friendly, safe and supportive community. Cardinal Pole Sixth Form has acquired a reputation of excellence for delivering a high quality education to our students. Represented Manchester United F.C., winning the Football League Cup in 1992, the Premiership in 1993 and the Premiership and FA Cup double in 1994. Windows were found broken each morning. Most of the time was spent in unloading furniture and books and arranging them in the building. In these years we see the origins of the great choral tradition of the Vaughan. Flying Officer Donald Edward Garland, VC, (1918-1940); R.A.F pilot during the Second World War. He also acquired the reputation of a strict disciplinarian. Please click on the subject documents below to access the tasks. To help YOU achieve YOUR aspirational next steps. In 2005 the choir returned to Rome giving a concert at Sant'Ignazio and singing Mass in St Peter's. We have developed working partnerships with these schools to improve pupil outcomes and better secondary transition. By the time you are applying for jobs after university (or apprenticeships or whatever after A-Levels, your life in school will be a distant memory. at club level. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. Whatever their background, all our students progress to prestigious universities, including Oxford and Cambridge, or high value vocational and professional training, including advanced apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships. Cardinal Hume Catholic School Old Durham Road, Gateshead, NE9 6RZ. The tasks that we are going to ask you to complete have been devised to give you a flavour of each course; there will be a task or tasks associated with each course that you must fully complete to the very best of your ability and submit by the required deadline of Monday 12th September 2022. The Schola has travelled widely abroad, singing in Italy, Spain, Greece, Holland, Germany, France and the USA. This he did to an extraordinary degree. During the mid to late 1980s the School was involved in sometimes stormy and always controversial struggle over and parents to diocesan and ILEA plans for the reorganisation of 16-19 educational provision. What exactly do you want to know? Shortly after his appointment, the need for urgent structural repairs became apparent. You can find our latestSixth Form Prospectus here. Why should you choose University of Southampton? Others who have only ever taught at one school include Shelagh O'Connell, Head of English, Scott Price, the Director of Music and, of course, the current Headmaster, Paul Stubbings. Discounts The latest products Rewards and points The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. Hence she can SchoolDash - The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School Issue 11 I Trinity Term 2017. Official University of Edinburgh 2023 Applicant Thread, Ancient History, Classics or Archaeology at University in 2023, Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. Under his leadership the Vaughan's religious ethos was not merely reaffirmed but further developed, particularly in close partnership with Father Dominic Allain, the School's Chaplain from 2002. Another boy has vivid memories of 'Marching through Georgia'. This has been the case throughout the Vaughan's history and is true to this day. It was decorated by Thomas Seadon with life-size paintings of Blessed Thomas More and Blessed John Fisher Oater canonised) who were patrons of the School. Hired at a salary of 200 per year, Canon Driscoll was appointed as the first headmaster. ?s, to Secretary of State for Education and to the newspapers. Graham Wilding remembers 'gazing in awe when one sixth former, Rory McCurk, responded to Anthony Eden's appeal for Local Volunteers Oater the Home Guard) and came back armed with a rifle and three rounds of ammunition. The foundations had well and truly been laid and a new era in the Vaughan's history was about to begin. Camping? In this he was notably assisted by Mr Kellett, Mr Handyslde and Mr Laloux. We particularly welcome applications from families to whom we were unable to offer a place in Year 7 and who are now considering options for post- 16 education. No fees had been charged since 1 April 1945 and it was stated in June 1946 that the whole income of the School was now derived through the London County Council. And Catholic education views the person primarily as a child of God Education fits a boy for life. Set out fully in the ADMISSION Arrangements God education fits a boy for life and XI..., 10 Teams 4 Teams Two classes were held in the top rooms, Germany, and... Opening day to wear the Vaughan 's history and is true to this.... Fisher, Mayne and More Teams play Saturday morning fixtures during the Second World War v Upper! Also in annual House Varsity games v Latymer Upper School, 6 some... In this he was notably assisted by Mr Kellett, Mr Handyslde and Mr Laloux Schola travelled! 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cardinal vaughan sixth form uniform