There were five aboard, the Private rated pilot and four passengers. Couple years ago we hired an attractive young lady, a flight instructor, to fly Caravans at our single-pilot Pt.135 operation. This issue was resolved by the pandemic, which put the company out of business. Steam has water vapor and is warm so it provides significantly less lift. in 'vans, always used about 95 Kts on short final, slowing to 80~85 just before touchdown (depending on load, winds, etc.). Fortunately never had a flame out.Cessna C208B Caravan Captain Freight Dog. But I noticed something. Add a loss of power situation and see how you come out. The lawyers are going to have a field day with this one. See 6:45 in the video: I'm guessing she was tired and flying in bad conditions, with a wall of steam from those chimneys and a roof cleared of snow by heat, and she mistook the roof for the extended threshold. The aircrafts surfaces will be substantially sub-zero, and the droplets snap-freeze on them, further cutting lift. Quickest way to get there Cheapest option Distance between. Take the time and money to buy sim time to replay the weather and the two approaches with the missed approach scenario in question in a Cessna Caravan sim. Freight dispatchers aren't the ones responsible for letting under-equipped airports remain that way. . You are on your own to figure out an appropriate descent angle to keep you clear of the numerous hazardous obstacles on final. Company dispatcher: "Our other pilots could have landed BYI today"8. All messages must be civil in tone; if critical, must be constructive. It wasn't.See later comment down thread for time hacks/ADS-B correlation. first opened in 1940, and publicly-owned by the CITY OF BURLEY, ID. "Oh yes, you got me there. Interesting read, what a tragedy. On a hot day, fine droplets may evaporate before they can fall, so there is only rising air. Here's what's left of the stack in question, at the 2:24 point in the video. I'm not a pilot. Kathryn's Report: Most Read This Year Cessna 208B Grand Caravan, N928JP: Fatal accident occurred April 13, 2022 near Burley Municipal Airport (KBYI), Cassia County, Idaho Cirrus SR22 GTS, N24LA: Fatal accident occurred May 06, 2022 in the Atlantic Ocean near Tybee Island, Georgia "4,000 feet is short for a Caravan? My condolences to her friends and family. Survivors. "That's what you get if capitalism runs unchecked and controls every aspect of public life: commercials, banalities and emotions instead of reason, science and art that make life so much fuller. 7. Would have blended right in with the white sky. The left horizontal stabilizer and elevator separated and came to rest about 380 feet northeast of the main wreckage. According to the operator, the pilot was transporting cargo on an instrument flight rules flight from the Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC), Salt Lake City, Utah, to the Burley Municipal Airport (BYI), Burley, Idaho. The altimeter setting at the destination airport was 29.97, so the pressure altitude correction would be +50 feet, which puts the aircraft right at the expected altitude of 7,000 feet, not 50 feet too low as you surmised.3. This is probably why the pilot decided to continue the approach"The eye witness account does not agree with your theory. But I admire the heck out of him! Sorry, but that's insane.You can pull data all day long from flight records and try to figure out why she did what she did, but the fact remains that a published non-precision LNAV approach that misses a smokestack by 61' is unacceptable. As she descended she may have lost sight of the runway. Here's a link to the Aviation Safety Network report on the crash near Pine Grove, Oregon, USA on 09 January, 2021. The tiny Cessna 210M aircraft with five men on board disappeared somewhere over the NSW Barrington Tops almost 34 years ago - the final, panicked transmissions from its pilot suggesting things . Frost changes the basic aerodynamics of the airfoil, thereby causing reduced lift.Ice collects on and seriously hampers the function of not only wings and control surfaces and propellers, but also windscreens and canopies, radio antennas, pilot tubes and static vents, carburetors and air intakes. Login; Sell Now; . Ever heard of a displaced threshold? BTW BOTH pilots on the above A300 reported the runway in sight - when it was hidden by a hill. If you were a pilot you would know that warm/wet air has very little lift. Brittney lived life to its fullest. If so, should have gone missed a second time. That sounds like either icing or engine failure or both to me. On August 25, 2001, a Cessna 402 twin-engine light aircraft crashed shortly after takeoff from Marsh Harbour Airport on the Abaco Islands of the Bahamas, killing the pilot and all eight passengers on board. Fourth or fifth day on the job, in good weather, she crash landed one of our 'Vans onto a runway, totally wrecking it. Steam enters such drums at 140-180C (284-356F) and 10-12 bar. It should also be noted that visibility was two miles just two minutes before the crash and 2.5 miles eight minutes after the crash. We keep killing ourselves for mostly the same reasons. The National Transportation Safety Board Aviation (NTSB) Accident Preliminary report said poor weather and flying low near a mountain may have impacted the Kekaha airplane crash that happened on . Looking at flightaware data, the pilot made two approaches on RNAV RWY 20. So 4,152' + 213' = 4,365' MSL at the smokestack. Here are those METARs:KBYI 131430Z AUTO 20007KT 2SM -SN BR BKN021 OVC028 M03/M06 A2997 --- crash occurred @ 14:32 Z ---KBYI 131440Z AUTO 21008KT 2 1/2SM -SN BKN030 OVC047 M03/M06 A2997In spite of those reports, the pilot's reputation is being maligned with the "intentionally busted minimums" assertion. A very strange UPS A300 crash in Birmingham was never assigned a direct cause - just CFIT below minimums. Carrying that angle across the river and over to the factory she should have been approximately 230 feet above the ground and 160 feet above those stacks. It is a much cruder method of societal control than winning over people by debating and logical analysis. advisory GS, that would have put her 50-60' below MDA. Minter was elected to the Santa Monica City Council in 1955 and served as mayor from 1963-1967. Warm Springs Police Chief Bill Elliott said the Warm Springs Dispatch Center received a report around 2:30 p.m. from Seattle Air Traffic Control of the possible plane crash in the area of the . According to reports, a single-engine Cessna 172 plane crashed on Thursday on the outskirts of Camp Kahdalea. There is photographic evidence of the stacks on the roof at the collision location in a 2018 Town News article about the plant, so they have been there at least that long. Apparently the mail must get through, despite the automated voice telling you "Minimums" and you don't have the runway. A home without a TV is "weird" here. Flying time at 80 kts ground speed was just 16 sec, break out to tower. She was WAY low to have hit those. Cessna T337G Super Skymaster, N337KN: Fatal accident occurred July 17, 2022 in Gold Hill, Boulder County, Colorado . For whatever reason, she was below MDA, and I'm guessing they'll find fuel starvation. Did you notice the color of the smoke stack? The hot vapour rises, but condensed droplets tend to fall. Also, if were going to go there, Id go as far as to say most all were incorrect as to the cause of the incident of N56KJ. It's likely the effect of the plume is fairly localized, much like wake turbulence. suppose that building had been painted with a bold pattern and say a big potato image - no chance of mistaking that for a runway. The imgur caption has the correct runway number. Condolences and humble prayers to Brittneys family and kin. no lift in warm/wet steam. Ice forming on the intake cowling constricts the air intake. I noticed Dan's poor comm skills also and the pilot's incorrect read backs.Then to prove how dangerous the LNAV +V approach is, they fly it high, seemingly to prove how the advisory glide slope dragged the 208 down in to the tower. They see the tater plant as a job producer airport more of a nuisance. I see no conjecture from the original post; only data from flightaware. The tower was 60 agl, she lost altitude quickly when she hit the steam cloud. Quick trig (sin 3.75 x 2,639') says that's 173' above the 40' TCH, so 173' + 40' = 213' above touchdown elevation. . That, combined with the snow, make it difficult to (1) visually appreciate the actual descent path being flown and, (2) see obstacles that are just protruding in the aforementioned path. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulation Part 135 cargo flight. "still baffling how one of them died. [1] [2] The cause of the accident is under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). What are you running with? *(2) If you back-solve this the other way, starting from the end of the runway with a 40ft TCH vertical offset as shown on the published plate, and go up toward JAMID with a 3.75 degree slope, you still only clear the top of a 100ft AGL stack by *73 feet. Their downed aircraft was discovered shortly after 1:30 a.m. Monday in a wooded area in Williams, Arizona, according to a release prepared . Also, someone suggested that the engine might of cut out which I never heard as an issue for that engine.A lot of theory's and conjecture which I find every theory interesting. Flying a stabilized approach the plant and the runway should have been visible about a mile out. In the USA people get fed a steady diet of emotionalized and sensationalized TV and other media from an early age on around the clock and everywhere, airports, waiting rooms and especially at home. Even a small city is a maze of confusing lights at night. Why was the pilot of the Caravan 75-80' agl, only 2500' from the threshold? Agreed - not assuming willful pilot disregard of minimums until PT-6 operation is evaluated is the responsible viewpoint until investigation makes determinations.Accident aircraft was a 2013 production aircraft, not a steam gage model. After a 1.5-year investigation, the NTSB could not provide an exact reason for why the pilot became . She had a special gift for making everyone she met feel important, and her smile lit up every room. On 3 October 2021, a Romanian private plane crashed into a building in San Donato Milanese, Lombardy, Italy. The ladder going to the top of the stack is in three sections going to three platforms. The plane's pilot also died. I remember reading a story about a pilot who ditched in the ocean just off shore from a beach, maybe 20-30 yards out, and walked away uninjured. Here are links to the Icing page containing the text block where the "starter" typo originated and the FAA's Flight in Icing Conditions circular: Yes,you are right, I did a copy and paste and wanted to refresh myself on comments on icing perhaps being a factor which I didn't know could happen in light snow. Kathryn's Report: Most Read All Time. ADSB data and Airport Surveillance Cameras are God Sends for looking into aircraft mishaps such as these. Juan Brown on the Blancolirio YouTube Channel mentions the icing conditions. "Your nonsense responses like "false" with zero explanation demonstrates that you have no actual idea what TERPS, an obstacle clearance surface, and approach minimums are. Try finding familiar streets in your town/city next time you fly in on a clear night. The MDA is no longer applicable once you have the airport in sight. Take this for what it is - some old pilot's opinion. Thus, the top of the stack would be 120ft AGL relative to the runway threshold, due to the first assumption. This tragic accident highlights the risk of anyone flying in a single engine aircraft over areas with minimal forced landing space. According to a witness, located about one quarter mile away, he first heard, then observed the airplane descend out of the clouds then immediately went into a steam cloud, which was produced from a set of six smokestacks located on the same roof. The left wing shows most of the damage where it connects to the fuselage. Harrowing video captured the moment a small plane crashed into a neighborhood near a California high school . ^ You are making too much of a simple accident. Ice on the rotor and starter blades affects their performance and efficiency and may result in flame out. She was always striving to be an example of Christ and share His love with others. From the approach plate "RNAV (GPS) RWY 20 Burley Muni BYI": The approach path angle is 3.75 degrees. Older Model Caravans have a history of crashes in icing conditions. The #5 comment about lowest cloud layer is important to grasp. The view under the wing would give you about a mile as reported at the airport. The plane took off from Kissimmee, Florida, and was . The lowest reported cloud layer was 1500 feet higher than the MDA. Would the FAA have allowed the company to mount a strobe on the top of that stack, or would it have interfered with the sight picture for a pilot on the glideslope for a landing? Date: Saturday 29 May 2021: Time: 0.26639294624329: Type: Cessna 501 Citation I/SP: About 0832:25, the airplane came into view in a wings-level, nose-high descent. For lost lift or turbulence from stack vapor plume as the cause of the crash, the obvious next question is why the first approach that went missed didn't include a crash into the plant from the effects that brought the Caravan down on the accident approach.What was different?Looking at three first approach data points in sequence, two of which were located before reaching the Gem plant and a third beyond BYI, with locations map-pinned for viewing, the difference shows up as ground speed much greater during first approach:Wed 10:11:37 AM 42.5614 -113.7494 218 133 153 4,625 -913 10:11:53 AM 42.5532 -113.7580 217 128 147 4,375 -128 10:12:59 AM 42.5277 -113.7819 207 93 107 4,450 192 raises another question:After having flown that first approach and experiencing the vapor plume, why was the second approach ground speed reduced to 81/80 knots from the first approach's 133/128 knots coming toward the Gem plant? The observations reported at 14:20, 14:25, 14:30 of 1SM, 1 1/2SM, 2SM visibility invalidate calculations made using 1SM visibility.Original report link: The Santa Monica Fire and Police Departments responded to the scene and were assisted by L.A. County Lifeguards. 0. Hi, thanks for the info and the link. i know what my $ is on and it isnt your theory. She was so young and beautiful and now she is gone. The airport instrumentation tells a story regarding what is happening at the airport. From the preliminary ntsb report:"According to a witness, located about one quarter mile away, he first heard, then observed the airplane descend out of the clouds then immediately went into a steam cloud, which was produced from a set of six smokestacks located on the same roof. Well-stated, very good bias what-if scenario. Having survived a Cessna 150 crash into a forest I can attest first hand that shoulder harness' save lives. The aircraft departed the Houston . Accident investigation report completed and information captured. At some time before noon on August 7, 2020, a Turbo Cessna 210 took off from Roosevelt, Utah, for a fair-weather daytime flight. Accident pilot: "I have to meet expectations and get this done"Interesting article reflecting on "completing the mission": first opened in 1940, KBYI is publicly-owned by the CITY OF BURLEY, ID, which the father is demanding be closed. My guess is in the cold they are creating their own little obscuring weather system. The criticism of the deceased pilot rages on well before the preliminary is released and facts are obtained, and usually before the deceased has even been buried. UPDATE- GoFund Me created to get Matt and his daughter back in the air- The falling droplets drag air down. But if the temperature is warm (roughly 0C to -5C), wet snow mixed with liquid water could to stick to your airplane.Dec 11, 2021Frost disrupts the smooth flow of wind over the wing causing reduced lift. Previous day, the aircraft had to divert to Twin Falls. That full sequence of reports showing 6, 2 1/2, 1 1/2, 1. The collision smokestack is 2,639' from the threshold (measured on Google Earth). (or the overcast). Usually when someone does that in a 'Van it's with 20 or full flaps, in the hope of 'parachuting' the plane down to the runway, then adding a touch of throttle just before touchdown.4k hrs. (The above information was offered to show reports from the BYI automatic weather system for the full period covering the initial descent decision through to the crash at 14:32 Z. No preview function. Threshold Crossing Height is 40'. Brittney was a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and served a mission in Birmingham, England from 2015-2017. This was not the fault of any tower on the processing plant. He later served as city attorney for Arcadia and a judge for the Los Angeles County Superior Court. Kathryn S Report Cessna 180f N180tb Accident Occurred August 20 2019 At Arlington Municipal On september 1, 2014, about 1050 eastern daylight time, a cessna 180, n6510a, was substantially damaged when it impacted trees and terrain during the initial. "The captains poor performance during the accident flight was consistent with past performance deficiencies in flying nonprecision approaches noted during training; the errors that the captain made were likely the result of confusion over why the profile did not engage, his belief that the airplane was too high, and his lack of compliance with standard operating procedures." Yes, the N56KJ CVR transcript and the fact that the top of the tail was not cleared because "it will blow off" are important reminders of how far you can go wrong with decision making focused toward get-there-itis.Having comments on N56KJ closed is unfortunate. Main cabin in the Newmar Dutch Star 4081 at Tom Stinnett RV in Clarksville. Maybe it was a slow day at the Tater plant, but the "plume of steam vapor" from the stacks shown in the following aviation video seems fairly small and underwhelming. Operate below MDA at your own risk.. For one ADSB tracks are not reliable, for two how incompetent of .gov to put a stack right on short final. The MDA is 4560 with a TDZE of 4152; so 408 above with a requirement of 1 mile visibility. The Newmar Dutch Star is available in 37-, 40-, and 43-foot coaches. Sunrise was 6:56. From an Engineers perspective, looking at Google Earth Pro, the runway centerline runs within 5 feet or so from the stack that looks to have been struck by the left wing of the aircraft. The Flight Safety Cessna Caravan Emergency Memory Items Check List calls for Airspeed85 KIAS for Model 208 without flaps or with 20 degrees flaps for an Model 208B Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff. It is staggering that the FAA, local airport authority, and board of the "Gem State Potato Processing Plant" allowed this appalling situation. CALCULATE A VDP, use that DISTANCE FROM THE RUNWAY as a point to start down or go missed. "It would be more enlightening if you pointed out that due to TERPS, the only approach that could be approved was a non-precision LNAV with no vertical guidance and a steep 3.75 descent angle due to the silos and other obstructions."False. Usually the pencil-thin outside air temperature gauge is the first place where ice forms on an airplane. Kathryn's Report ( Kathryn's Report: This Aviation Blog Is Permanently Open ( Edit, as Eman said, "permanently closed for a little while" , the entry now says permanently open. Two people were onboard the aircraft when the pilot reported engine issues after taking off from the Santa Monica Airport. Caravans at our single-pilot Pt.135 operation 3.75 degrees intake cowling constricts the air intake agl relative the. 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Rex Bickford, Articles C

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