In addition, these efforts have concentrated on individual sites of care, ie., hospital inpatient, physician office, and nursing home, which, until recently, were the traditional sites of most care. The UHDDS guidelines state all significant procedures are to be reported and a significant procedure is defined as one that is: Surgical in nature, or. This group, or a separate group, could also be the focus for evaluating additions to the list of core data elements and for setting up methods for testing and promulgating the final products. Health Care Finance Commission, Policy, Research and Data Management, Joanne Yancey Hitchcock Additional evaluation and testing are warranted for this important information. The Committee encourages the Department and its partners to give high priority to conducting evaluation and testing on such elements and also seeks to alert organizations developing standards or data sets to leave place holders for their inclusion. The currently recommended coding instrument is the ICD-9-CM. Uniform hospital discharge data set Qualifier for Other Diagnoses (inpatient), 28. 35. Also, although different data sets may include the same data element, in most cases it was not possible to verify that the data collection instructions and definitions were the same. Which of the following data elements is unique to UACDS A. This recommendation is in accord with the 1992 UHDDS and the UACDS, as well as recommendations by the NCVHS Subcommittee on State and Community Health Statistics. Dept. Although 61 requests were made regarding data sets, almost one-third of respondents indicated that they did not have a set of health data items that they collected. NUBC (National Uniform Billing Committee), NUCC (National Uniform Claim Committee), and. Lovassen chapter 24 Case Scenarios 5.The patient was assaulted by an unknown assailant and had stab wounds (lacerations) to the chest and neck. The Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set, or UHDDS, is used for reporting inpatient data in acute-care, short-term care, and long-term care hospitals. Primary Diagnosis (inpatient) - The diagnosis that is responsible for the majority of the care given to the patient or resources used in the care of the patient. Information is collected by a wide range of users and in a myriad of different formats. What does UACDS stand for? It also includes data elements specific to ambulatory care, such as the reason for the encounter with the healthcare provider. 7. Columbia/HCA HealthCare Corporation, John Quinn These same data bases are being used to provide input to Federal surveys such as the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NCHS) and the Hospital Cost and Utilization Project (AHCPR). HCFA is developing a new system, called the HCFA PAYERID project, which will assign a unique identifier to every payer of health care claims in the United States. Core Health Data Elements Project Confidentiality of identifiable records is another critical issue. The currently recommended coding instrument is the ICD-9-CM. Oklahoma Department of MH and SA Services, Don Eugene Detmer, M.D. Facility Identification - The unique HCFA identifier as described above. The Committee is concerned about the possible inclusion of a "multiracial" category, without an additional element requesting specific racial detail and/or primary racial identification, because of its anticipated impact on trend data and loss of specificity. Massachusetts Health Data Consortium, Inc. Nancy Stout, Ed.D. Health Care Financing Administration. Presentations were received from state health departments, including California, Oklahoma, and New York; organizations such as the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations; and individuals such as Dr. James Cooney, Associate Director, Georgia Center for Health Policy, who had participated in earlier Committee efforts to define uniform data sets. A unique identifier such as the SSN in conjunction with at least one other data item or, alternatively, an identifier drawn from another distinct set of data items routinely collected presently would seem the most viable. Review state-of-the-art of widely-used core data sets in the United States and other countries (including coding and formatting features that allow for flexibility); Obtain input, through hearings and other means, from the diverse parties who will report and use standardized data sets; Interact closely with recognized standards-setting groups; and. It is hoped that, as data collection evolves, certain data items, such as personal data, (i.e., date of birth, race, occupation) will only need to be collected at time of entry into a health care plan or to be updated on an annual basis, to reduce the burden of data collection. For those elements that the Committee recommends as being ready to standardize, request each of the data collection entities within the Department to review the set of data elements and to match data contents and definitions with similar items that they are currently collecting or plan to collect. ICD-10-PCS code for: 1. A lack of footnote indicates that these elements are ready for implementation. It became obvious early in the meetings that the identification of core data elements, their definitions, and the consensus-building needed to encourage use of these items would be an ongoing and full-time activity for several years. From the respondents, a total of 138 different data elements were obtained. ASTM Committee E-31, Clifford P. Binder In the early 1990's, it formed an Ad Hoc Work Group on Confidentiality to study issues related to confidentiality, unique personal identifiers and data linkage across time and systems. Most participants eagerly supported an independent committee, such as this, to gather input and advise the public health and health care communities. Participants in the various meetings had discussed ways to disseminate new data items, seek input, and inform data collectors of recommended elements and definitions. Expected insurance payer number or code. In addition, a number of elements for which consensus is close, must be field tested to confirm their definitions and collectibility. Secondary Source - The secondary source, if any, that will be responsible for the next largest percentage of the patient's current bill. 4. National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Stewart H. Streimer The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) is the principal advisor to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on policy development, and is responsible for major activities in policy coordination, legislation development, strategic planning, policy research, evaluation, and economic analysis. One would be through the use of a state-level or regional-level organization that already has a line of communication with other organizations. Hartford Primary Care Consortium, Inc. Thomas H. Dial, Ph.D. Injury Related to Employment - Yes, No. Virtually all saw the need for uniform data items and definitions, and the issue of a unique identifier was a frequent topic. The Committee recommends the following actions specifically related to the core data elements: 3. Dates of Procedures (inpatient) - Year, month, and day, as recommended in the UHDDS and by ANSI ASC X12, of each significant procedure. In addition to requesting a written response from these experts, they were invited to participate in one of two special meetings organized by the Committee to discuss the project and to seek input. The response to the Committee's activities both through participation in meetings and written comments indicates that the health care information field is solidly in favor of the identification and use of standardized data elements and definitions. They have influenced the claim forms on which Medicare and Medicaid data sets are based. It became obvious that staff dedicated to participating in and monitoring the activities of these organizations is crucial if all relevant voices (including public health and epidemiology) are to be heard. BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota. Social Security Administration, Andrew A. C.Discharged/transferred to skilled nursing facility (SNF) Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange, Lucy Johns Primary Source - The primary source that is expected to be responsible for the largest percentage of the patient's current bill. In addition to the presentations at the meetings, more than 100 written responses to the solicitation letter were reviewed and considered. Support implementation and testing activities for those data elements for which agreement on definitions has been reached and those for which minimal additional work is needed on definitional agreement. To transmit electronic data C. To create a process for transmitting data to external users D. National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging, Keith J. Mueller, Ph.D. Currently, such a staff does not exist. Whichever method is used should be designated. The elements described in this section refer to information collected on enrollment or at an initial visit to a health care provider or institution. Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Room 415F Physician including specialty or field of practice, Includes, but is not limited to, the patients complaints and symptoms reflecting his or her own, perception of needs, provided verbally or in writing by the patient at the point of entry into the, Race and ethnicity in the United States Census, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, Access to our library of course-specific study resources, Up to 40 questions to ask our expert tutors, Unlimited access to our textbook solutions and explanations. A significant procedure is one that is: Surgery includes incision, excision, amputation, introduction, endoscopy, repair, destruction, suture, and manipulation. 29-30. A series of matrices were prepared that arrayed individual data elements in use or proposed for use by different organizations with the type of organization. Health Care Financing Administration, James Tierney During the October 1995 and March 1996 NCVHS meetings, Dr. Don Detmer, University of Virginia, updated the Committee on international progress in data standardization and computerized patient records. Public and private participants have indicated a willingness to work together to disseminate information, test data elements, and utilize electronic means to ensure the widest dissemination of these activities. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Stephen E. Marcus, Ph.D. Provider Location or Address of Encounter (outpatient), 22. A commonly used measure is the person's rating of his or her own general health, as in the five-category classification, "excellent, very good, good, fair, or poor." Half of the ten major employers who were asked to participate declined; only four actually sent in a data set. Each encounter generates a date of service that can be used to link encounters for the same patient over time. The NCVHS recommends the use of Social Security Number with a check item such as date of birth, while at the same time undertaking the study and evaluation needed to confirm this use or the recommendation of another identifier. National Institute on Drug Abuse, Cille Kennedy National Cancer Institute, NIH, Alfred S. Buck, M.D. What does Lo Debar represent in the Bible? Ronald Carlson In some situations, it is possible that a free-form narrative will be collected in place of the codes, to be coded at a later point. The Alan Guttmacher Institute, Kathleen A. Frawley Place the Committee's report, elements and definitions on an appropriate departmental Home Page as guidance to the field and as a means of encouraging use and soliciting further comments and suggestions while the report is under review within the Department. National Institutes of Health, David . Standardized coding schemes, such as the Census Bureau's Alphabetical Listing of Occupation and Industry and the Standardized Occupation and Industry Coding (SOIC) software developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, should be reviewed. To retrieve electronic data B. Grouping of similar services provided on different dates, as is often the case under batch billing, can be problematic if specificity of data elements is lost; the objective is to encourage identifying a unique date of record for each encounter. Blue Cross of California, Health Policy and Analysis, William J. Hayden, DDS, MPH In 1989, NCVHS approved the UACDS, recommending its use in. There has been substantial agreement on data elements in these sets, but less agreement on data definitions. The Uniform Ambulatory Care Data Set (UACDS) regulates the area of ambulatory care. Members of the Committee and DHHS staff participate when possible, however, the increasing numbers of groups and meetings is problematic from a staff and budget point of view. State of Washington Department of Health, Debra C. Hopkinson, RN, MS E.Discharged/transferred to another type of institution for inpatient care or referred for outpatient services to another institution It appeared that some types of data linkage could be obtained in states with smaller populations, but might not work nationwide. Data quality is a perennial issue. Initial enumeration by HCFA will focus on individual providers covered by Medicare and Medicaid; however, the system will enable enumeration of other health care practitioners, as identified by system users. Office of Inspector General. The usual living/residential arrangement of an individual is important for understanding the health status of the person as well as the person's follow-up needs when seen in a health care setting. A. UACDS. Other diagnosis of an injury, poisoning, or adverse effect directly related to the principal diagnosis. The major objectives of this project include the production of a report assessing existing data for care provided to persons with disabilities in institutional and community long term care settings, as well as in rehabilitation. Capture of the full four-digit year of birth is recommended 03. Which is a data element of the Uniform Ambulatory Care data set Uacds )? To this end, the Committee has advised the Department on such matters as Federal-state relationships, nomenclatures and classification systems, core data sets, and access and confidentiality issues. The Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set, which is referred to as the 'UHDDS,' is the core data set for inpatient admissions. This has resulted in inconsistent data found in many outpatient databases and has skewed patient outcome studies. For children under the age of 18, the mother's highest grade of schooling completed should be obtained. Gender As recommended by the UHDDS and the UACDS. Thomas P. Gross, M.D., MPH Managed Behavioral Health News, Melvin Sabshin, M.D. The set is used to collect demographic and clinical data on nursing home residents that must be completed for every resident at the time of admission and during reassessment periods. 16. 18. A. 33-35. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Amy Fine There is less agreement on data definitions, even for data items that have been in the field for years. 33. ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials ). D.Discharged/transferred to an intermediate care facility (ICF) American Medical Association, Mark Epstein, Sc.D. Operative Report PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Obstruction of the rectum in a patient with known colon cancer POSTOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Obstruction of the rectum due to. However, there is some evidence that the number of interracial marriages is accelerating. In these cases, it is possible that the data items, such as person characteristics, are part of a more basic file kept by the organization, and the information for that file was not included. Diagnoses that refer to an earlier episode that have no bearing on the current hospital or nursing home stay are to be excluded. What is a list of recommended data elements with uniform definitions that are relevant for a particular use? At the very minimum, there need to be "place holders" provided to standards organizations to inform them that certain data elements are critical elements, even when the specific format of the items is currently undecided. Biometrics, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Adm. Elizabeth Grossman ICD-9-CM Vol. medical and surgical care provided to patients who depart from the facility on the same day they receive care (outpatient). It was thought that this was one of the reasons why some organizations, especially private employers, declined to participate. Standard electronic formats are recommended to the extent that they have been developed. 25. The definition has been expanded slightly from the OMB requirement: It is recommended that this item be self-reported, not based on visual judgment or surnames. and provide a thorough description of what you have chosen. The UHDDS and UACDS have recommended the collection of all charges for procedures and services rendered to the patient during a hospitalization or encounter. Office of Personnel Management, Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, Ph.D. However, in the three remaining areas of health plans/insurers, government, and data standards organizations, the vast majority supplied data sets. Type of admission C. Gender D. Reason for encounter D. Reason for encounter What is the purpose of data mapping? The data sets that are currently standardized are prime examples of satisfying multiple purposes with a single data set. Who will have access to the database for research purposes, and to what data, has yet to be determined. National Perinatal Information Center, Mark J. Segal, Ph.D. The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (see appendix A for roster) has completed a two-year project requested by the Department of Health and Human Services to review the current state of health-related core data sets; obtain input on their collection and use; interact with data standards-setting groups; and, most importantly, promote consensus by identifying areas of agreement on core health data elements and definitions. The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Barbara Lowery Diagnosis Chiefly Responsible for Services Provided (outpatient) - The diagnosis, condition, problem, or the reason for encounter/visit chiefly responsible for the services provided. The set includes reasons for the encounter, living arrangements, and marital status. Self-Reported Health Status - There was much interest in documenting health status, one element that can precipitate the demand for health care and help determine the prognosis, although there was no consensus on how its definition should be standardized. In addition, the historical knowledge of the NCVHS and its earlier decisions in the area of data standardization played a role in the preparation of a listing of core data elements and, where possible, recommended definitions. The data is collected on inpatient hospital discharges for Medicare and Medicaid programs. This item would be collected at first clinical visit and periodically updated, at least annually. A data element is defined by size (in characters) and type (alphanumeric,. A chart showing the distribution of all respondents to this second mailing by type of organization is shown in appendix G. The importance of participating in meetings of the various standard-setting groups has been recognized by the Committee. Functional assessment scales must also be age-appropriate. University of California, San Francisco, Jaclyn Packer Virginia Health Information, Charles MacKay The following list of data elements contains those elements selected for the first iteration of this process. The Subcommittee determined that residential street address has the advantage of enabling researchers to aggregate the data to any level of geographic detail (block, census tract, ZIP code, county, etc.) Disposition of Patient (inpatient) 1/, 40. A detailed report of these findings is in the process of publication by AHCPR, but findings have shown that even well-recognized standards are not consistently followed. D.Other (specify). Total Billed Charges - All charges for procedures and services rendered to the patient during a hospitalization or encounter. Participation in the system will be voluntary for non-HCFA providers at first. Attending Physician Identification (inpatient) - The unique national identification number assigned to the clinician of record at discharge who is responsible for the discharge summary, as recommended by the 1992 UHDDS. Mutual of Omaha Health Plans of Lincoln, Robert Koladner, M.D. Respondents have indicated a mixed use of this item for inpatients. Providers, Insurers, and universities represented about 7 percent each. It was felt that the Committee should consider designing a WEB page on the Internet that could be used for these activities. Other data items are related to a specific episode of care and will be provided at each encounter. National Center for Health Statistics, Walter P. Bailey Each item that is recommended must be considered carefully. Because agreement on a unique personal identifier is recognized as a key element to the successful establishment of core data elements, and their use, support the formation of a public-private working group to study and provide recommendations in this area. All have significant value and could result in the collection of four separate data elements. Additionally, includes optional data elements to describe the patients living arrangements and marital status. Participating organizations included: Although Committee members were aware in a general way of ongoing standards developments activities, this session focused on the need for action being required now and in the near future if the health care community is to obtain and maintain a presence as data standards are developed and finalized. 26. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To retrieve electronic data B. Common data elements and areas for standardization will be considered as well as criteria for selection of data elements. Standardized data sets can serve many purposes in the current and future health care arena. Problem, Diagnosis or Assessment (outpatient). Using items such as first name of mother; first digits of last name; date of birth; place of birth, etc., matches could be obtained without identifying the individual. Without a universal unique identifier or a set of data items that can form a unique identifier, it will be impossible to link data across the myriad of healthcare locations and arrangements. 01. National Institute of Health, Carl E. Hendricks, Lieutenant Col., MS A recent Bureau of Labor Statistics study found that only 1.5 percent of respondents will choose the multiracial category. UACDS Data Elements Data Element Definition/Descriptor Provider identification, address, type of practice Place of encounter Reason for encounter Diagnostic services Problem, diagnosis, or assessment Therapeutic services Preventive services Disposition Provider identification: Include the full name of the provider as well as the National Provider Identifier (NPI). Current or Most Recent Occupation and Industry 2/, 16. and is the best alternative to insure the availability of small area data. Much of the required information can be located on the patient's face sheet. The primary diagnosis is not part of the UHDDS, and in most diagnostic situations, the principal and primary diagnoses will be identical. Place holders will be set, and, in some cases data items and definitions decided on, before national and local public health agencies and organizations will be able to act. Medicare administrative data or Medicare Fee-for-Service claims (administrative) data, also known as health services utilization data, are collected by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and derived from reimbursement information or the payment of bills. These discussions led to the issue of needing DHHS staff dedicated to participating in the meetings of numerous data standards committees, advising the Department, and producing further iterations of data elements as future agreement is reached. The UACDS is a recommended set, not a mandatory one. 4. Standards groups should be consulted regarding setting criteria for recording of names. Admission Date (inpatient)- Year, month, and day of admission as currently recommended in the UHDDS and by ANSI ASC X12. National Indian Council on Aging, Inc. Jacqueline R. Bennett In August 1994, the Department recognized the National Committee's unique history in promoting standardization of health information when it asked the Committee to provide information and advice that will help maximize the utility of core person and encounter data for meeting the Department's responsibilities. The immediate goal of the NPI/NPF project is to support HCFA's Medicare Transaction System initiative by providing a single, universal method for enumerating the providers who serve Medicare beneficiaries. Catherine McCabe Southern California Public Health Association, John R. Lumpkin, M.D., M.P.H. There may be more than one health care provider identified: A.The health care practitioner professionally responsible for the services, including ambulatory procedures, delivered to the patient (health care practitioner of record) * As part of the NPI/NPF system, described above, HCFA is defining a taxonomy for type of facility. American Medical Association, Cary Sennett, MD, Ph.D. By January 1998, all California State Department of Health data bases will contain five data items to facilitate linkage. To retrieve electronic data B. The focus of the NCVHS effort has been on the content of the data to be transmitted, rather than the method of transmission. Sex, age, and race of the patient. MPH 34. Center for Health Policy Studies, Carrie Dunkle, RN The Committee's goal has been to develop a set of data elements with agreed-upon standardized definitions that, when needed in a data collection effort, can be used to collect and produce standardized data. Department of Veterans Affairs, Assistant Secretary for Policy and Planning, Mary Dufour Also, describe, to the extent possible, the provision of drugs and biologicals, supplies, appliances and equipment. Michael L. Glickman Consideration of these various issues and additional study and evaluation are needed before recommendations can be made for standardizing functional status measurement. OMB is currently investigating the possibility of changes to this classification, and the Committee will await the OMB recommendations. University of Virginia. 28. What clinical information is collected in the Uhdds? Larry Deutsch, M.D., M.P.H. The American Academy of Family Physicians, Barbara Faigin B.The health care practitioner for each clinical service received by the patient, including ambulatory procedures. Years of Schooling - Highest grade of schooling completed by the enrollee/patient. Health Care Financial Management Association/ASC X12, Kenneth E. Roos, M.S., M.B.A. The continuing expansion of types of payments and the combination of payments within groups is ever changing. bogey hills country club membership cost, fenton house catering menu, - highest grade of schooling - highest grade of schooling completed should be obtained regulates the area ambulatory... On enrollment or at an initial visit to a specific episode of care and will be voluntary non-HCFA! Society for Testing and Materials ) McCabe Southern California public Health Association, Mark Epstein,.. Should consider designing a WEB page on the current and future Health care provider or.! Of Personnel Management, Jacqueline Darroch Forrest, Ph.D a single data set employers, to. Elements is unique to UACDS a, the mother 's highest grade of schooling completed by the UHDDS the. Access to the patient during a hospitalization or encounter National Perinatal information Center, Mark J. Segal,.. 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