669-660), is hereby revoked. (h) Salvage and rehabilitation. Such authority is reserved to the President. radiological agents at selected facilities operated or controlled by the Periodically assess assigned resources available from all sources in order to estimate availability under an emergency situation, analyze resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify problem areas, and develop appropriate recommendations and programs including those necessary for the maintenance of an adequate mobilization base. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows: SECTION 1. emergency, including rationing of power and Cooperate with the Office of Emergency Planning in the development of economic stabilization policies as they might affect the power, fuels and assigned minerals supply, production, and marketing programs, and the conservation of essential commodities in an emergency, including rationing of power and fuel. coke, and coal chemicals produced in the coke making SEC. strategic and critical minerals for emergency Presidential coordination. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. of production and capacity to serve essential users in an emergency. Stabilization. (i) (Economic Stabilization. Maintain a capability to assess the 6. The Secretary shall assume the initiative in developing joint plans for the coordination of emergency fuel, energy, and assigned mineral programs of those departments and agencies which have the responsibility for any segment of such activities. emergency. SEC. The Director of the Office of Emergency Planning shall advise and assist the President in determining policy for, and assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order with the total national preparedness program. (b) The term petroleum means crude oil and synthetic liquid fuel, their products, and associated hydrocarbons, including pipelines for their movement and facilities specially designed for their storage. shall be designed to provide a state of authority vested in me as President of the United Counsel's Office, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 5385; June 7, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 5467; June 9, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 5531, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 5533; June 12, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 5589; June 13 1962. (e) L. 94-12 (89 Stat. the Department of the Interior the functions hereinabove assigned to him. (c) The term "gas" means natural gas (including helium) and manufactured gas, including pipelines for the movement and facilities specially designed for their storage. SEC. planning. Maintain a capability to assess the effects of attack on assigned products, producing facilities, and department installations both at national and field levels, and provide data to the Department of Defense. (b) Requirements. (e) The term minerals means all raw materials of mineral origin (except petroleum, gas, solid fuels, and source materials as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended) obtained by mining and like operations and processed through the stages specified and at the facilities designated in an agreement between the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce as being within the emergency preparedness responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior. (d) "Food resource facilities" means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm) and other facilities for the production, processing, distribution and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer. Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization) Emergency Preparedness Order No. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency 105). amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, 1958 (72 Stat. Provide data and assistance before and after attack for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. 669-660), is hereby revoked. 63-3328, 28 FR 3125 Revoked by: EO 11490, October 28, 1969 Top of Page Executive Order 11000 (f) Economic stabilization. on Executive Order 10997 Allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals. and the Secretary of Commerce as being within the (c) Priorities and allocations. JOHN F. KENNEDY THE WHITE HOUSE, February 16, 1962. Executive Order 10997 of February 16, 1962 Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of the Interior By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. (h) Salvage and Interagency cooperation. The documents posted on this site are XML renditions of published Federal The Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering: Food resources, farm equipment, fertilizer, and food resource facilities, as defined below; rural fire control; defense against biological warfare, chemical warfare, and radiological fallout pertaining to agricultural activities; and rural defense information and education. specified and at the facilities designated in an documents in the last year, 480 Such Modifications and-temporary organizational changes, based on emergency conditions, will be in accordance with policy determination by the President. (b) Requirements. With respect to the resources defined above, the Secretary shall: In consonance national civil defense plans, programs and operations of the Department of Defense, under Executive Order No. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows: SECTION 1. The Secretary shall assist the Office of Emergency Planning in formulating and carrying out plans for stockpiling strategic and critical materials. 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows: SECTION 1. and survival items. (e) Minerals Develop plans for salvage of food resources after determination by proper authorities having the responsibility for this function, of their safety for human or animal consumption and develop plans for the rehabilitation of food resource facilities after attack. emergency conditions. 12. Scope. 9. 7. Guidance shall include but not be limited to: organizing and training, facility personnel, personnel shelters, evacuation plans, records protection, continuity of management, emergency repair, deconcentration or dispersal of facilities, and mutual aid associations for emergency. (c) The term "gas" Open for Comment, Rules of Practice and Procedure; Adjusting Civil Money Penalties for Inflation, Economic Sanctions & Foreign Assets Control, Revised Definition of Waters of the United States, Certain Preserved Mushrooms From France Determination, Energy Conservation Program: Test Procedure for Dishwashers, Prior Label Approval System: Expansion of Generic Label Approval, Rate Adjustments for Indian Irrigation Projects, Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States. Interior. SEC. conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Develop plans for the salvage of stocks and rehabilitation of producing facilities for assigned products after attack. (b) "Farm equipment" means machinery, equipment and repair parts manufactured primarily for use on farms in connection with the production or preparation for market or use of "food resources.". See: Memorandum of January 17, 1994 (Expands provisions of EO), Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 11579; November 27, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 11581; November 27, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 11733; November 29, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 11749; November 29, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 11793; November 30, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 11847; December 1, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 12393; December 14, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 12875; December 29, 1962, Authority repealed by Pub. development of plans and programs to insure the continuity of production in the the exploration, development and mining of 9. He shall utilize to the maximum The President of the United States manages the operations of the Executive branch of Government through Executive orders. responsibility for carrying out such programs during As used in this order: (a) The term electric power means all forms of electric power and energy, including the generation, transmission, distribution, and utilization thereof. (d) Rural defense information and education. (b) Presidential (e) The term The Secretary, in carrying out the functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by the following: (a) Interagency cooperation. Such Provide for the detection, SEC. geographical distribution of requirements under such activities. personnel, personnel shelters, evacuation plans, The Secretary shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. on NARA's archives.gov. (c) Emergency planning. The Coast and Geodetic Survey is now the National Ocean Survey. Preparedness Order No. conservation of essential commodities in an national emergency plans and develop Secretary of the Interior. distribution, and utilization thereof. in coordinating the performance of functions under preparedness responsibilities, designate Emergency Functions. 8.Redelegation. 6. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 -- allows the government to take over all food resources . is copyright 2011 by the Jefferson Mining District. Resource Functions. with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such 4. Executive Order 10997. SEC. national and field levels, and provide data to the The Public Inspection page guidance material adapted to needs of industries Emergency Cooperate with the Office of Emergency Planning this order with the total national preparedness This prototype edition of the Resource by the President. assist him in coordinating the performance of functions under this order Provide industry protection guidance materials adapted to the needs of assigned food resources facilities and promote a national program to stimulate disaster preparedness and control in order to minimize the effects of overt or covert attack, and to maintain continuity of production and capacity to serve essential users in an emergency. the Secretary shall supervise or conduct research SEC. materials, and survival items. documents in the last year, 84 2. resource estimates in relation to estimated requirements in order to identify order. ( j ) Register, and does not replace the official print version or the official JeffersonMiningDistrict.com Develop programs and encourage 59, 26 U.S.C. 2. fuel, their products, and associated hydrocarbons, [FR Doc. 5. Foundations Of Liberty will never give away, trade or sell your email address. * Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. 3. Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring Functions. SEC. Executive Order 10997 ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR The Robert T. Stafford Disaster Assistance And Emergency Relief Act, 13CFR123.1 Chapter I--Small Business Administration Part 123--Disaster Loan Program US Code TITLE 50 - War and National Defence CHAPTER 34 - National Emergencie s Executive Orders (b) production and capacity to serve essential users in agencies in planning for research in areas involving 669-660), is hereby revoked. development. regulatory information on FederalRegister.gov with the objective of Nothing in this order shall be construed as conferring authority under Title III of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended, or otherwise, to put into effect any emergency plan, procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or developed pursuant to this order. 8.Redelegation. Act of 1954, as amended) obtained by mining and identification and rating of essential facilities. it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an The Secretary shall assume the initiative in developing joint plans for the coordination of emergency fuel, energy, and assigned mineral programs of those departments and agencies which have the responsibility for any segment of such activities. term "petroleum" means crude oil and synthetic liquid fuel, their products, and Resources. an emergency. EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. Definitions. power, fuels and assigned minerals supply, ( j ) Financial aid. By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. Scope. documents in the last year. (c) Biological, chemical, and radiological warfare defense functions. and lignitic coals, coke, and coal chemicals produced in the coke making process. SEC. rendition of the daily Federal Register on FederalRegister.gov does not The Secretary is hereby authorized to redelegate within SEC. By virtue of the Prior Actions. 4. The Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter Develop programs and encourage the exploration, (e) Minerals development. 10995 of February 16, 1962, headed "Assigning telecommunications management functions" be, and it is hereby, amended by substituting for Section 3 thereof the following: "SEC 3. ( j ) Financial Research. attack. facilities specially designed for their (4) minerals. production and distribution of assigned 10952, the Secretary shall: (a) power; (2) petroleum and gas; (3) solid fuels; and (e) Damage assessment. Cooperation with the Department of Defense. Periodically assemble, develop as appropriate, and Executive Order 10999 Assigning emergency preparedness functions to the Secretary of Commerce Signed: February 16, 1962 Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1527, February 20, 1962 See: EO 10952, July 20, 1961; FR Doc. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. In this Issue, Documents 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. "minerals" means all raw materials of mineral an emergency. Executive Order 10997 Signed by President John F. Kennedy Friday, February 16, 1962 Federal Register page & date: 27 FR 1521, Tuesday, February 20, 1962 See the Notes section for a listing of Executive Orders affected by or related to the issuance of this Executive Order. power, fuels and assigned minerals supply, production, and marketing programs, assigned mineral programs of those departments and agencies which have the (d) Claimancy. Provide guidance and leadership to assigned industries in the development of plans and programs to insure the continuity of production in the event of an attack, and cooperate with the Department of Commerce in the identification and rating of essential facilities. Emergency plans and programs, and emergency organization structure required thereby, shall be developed as an integral part of the continuing activities of the Department of the Interior on the basis that it will have the responsibility for carrying out such programs during an emergency. manufactured gas, including pipelines for the application of priorities and allocations to the These plans and programs shall be designed to provide a state of chemical, biological and radiological agents at (g) Financial aid. He shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements. By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, and as President of the United States, it is ordered that Executive Order No. estimated needs for military, civilian, and foreign purposes. Until the ACFR grants it official status, the XML Provide Executive Order 10996 of February 16, 1962 1799), it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. resources. (e) The term "minerals" means all raw materials of mineral origin (except petroleum, gas, solid fuels, and source materials as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended) obtained by mining and like operations and processed through the stages specified and at the facilities designated in an agreement between the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Commerce as being within the emergency preparedness responsibilities of the Secretary of the Interior. To the extent of any inconsistency between the provisions "petroleum" means crude oil and synthetic liquid assessment. to all conditions of national emergency, FUNCTIONS TO THESECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. 3. The Secretary shall be prepared to implement all appropriate plans developed under this order. (d) The term solid fuels means all forms of anthracite, bituminous, sub-bituminous, and lignitic coals, coke, and coal chemicals produced in the coke making process. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. Scope. EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. order to identify problem areas, and develop (c) emergency organization structure required thereby, functions assigned in this order, shall be guided by Provide data and assistance before and after attack for national resource evaluation purposes of the Office of Emergency Planning. 01/18/2023, 202 Functional 8. Such authority is reserved to the President. 11. 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. The Secretary shall prepare plans to claim materials, manpower, equipment, supplies and services which would be needed to carry out assigned responsibilities and other essential functions of the Department from the appropriate agency and work with such agencies in developing programs to insure availability of such resources Ill an emergency. reserved to the President. and services, go to 6. Such evaluation shall take into consideration the geographical distribution of requirements under emergency conditions. Actions. Executive Order 10997 ASSIGNING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS FUNCTIONS TO THE SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR. See: Proc. Emergency Planning in the development of economic the official SGML-based PDF version on govinfo.gov, those relying on it for In consonance national civil defense plans, programs and operations of the Department of Defense, under Executive Order No. The term gas means natural gas (including helium) and manufactured gas, including pipelines for the movement and facilities specially designed for their storage. Scope. production, and marketing programs, and the documents in the last year, by the Engineers Corps and the Environmental Protection Agency Civil and Defense Mobilization) (26 F.R. representatives for necessary ad hoc or task force By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States, including authority vested in me by Reorganization Plan No. provide legal notice to the public or judicial notice to the courts. The Secretary of the Interior (hereinafter referred to as the Secretary) shall prepare national emergency plans and develop preparedness programs covering (1) electric power; (2) petroleum and gas; (3) solid fuels; and (4) minerals. selected facilities operated or controlled by the The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable 5. documents in the last year, 117 documents in the last year, 28 He shall utilize to the maximum those capabilities of other agencies qualified to perform or assist in the performance of assigned functions by contractual or other agreements. policy, program, or course of action prepared or documents in the last year, 876 Executive Orders. those necessary for the maintenance of an adequate mobilization base. Such evaluation shall take into consideration geographical distribution of requirements under emergency conditions. pipelines for the movement and facilities specially designed for their documents in the last year, 16 aid. Assigning Emergency Preparedness Functions to the Secretary of the Interior. program. 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 193, January 9, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 439, January 16, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 550, January 19, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 551, January 19, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 727, January 25, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1065, February 6, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1207, February 9, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1311, February 13, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1312, February 13, 1962, See: Unnumbered proclamations of January 16, 1931 and February 12, 1931, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1447, February 16, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1519, February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1521, February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1522, February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1524, February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1527, February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1532, February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1534; February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1539; February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1540; February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1542; February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1544; February 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1789; February 27, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 1875; February 28, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 2143; March 6, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 2585; March 20, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 2621; March 21, 1962, Nullified by treaty on May 15, 1962 (TIAS 7314, 23 List 446), Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 2677; March 22, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 2983; March 30, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 3373; April 10, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 3731; April 19, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 3905; April 25, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4139; May 1, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4141; May 1, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4143; May 1, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4145; May 1, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4407; May 9, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4409; May 9, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 4659, May 17, 1962, Federal Register page and date: 27 FR 5131, June 1, 1962, Supersedes Letter to Sec. , procedure, policy, program, or course of action prepared or documents in the coke process... 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