harry meghan astrology predictions 2021kortney wilson new partner

As an American, Im really struck by the structual racism of Great Britian its in the structures of government (House of Lords) and culture the classism, the prejudice against those who dont have the right accent, the right color of skin, its in your economy and history. In 2018, Debbie predicted that Meghan would . The House of Windsor will survive and thrive. Although I didnt watch it myself, I did sit down to listen to Lady Colin Campbell dissecting and contextualising the interview with the royal pair on her youtube channel yesterday morning, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgrDFygFBIU) the contents of which I found enlighting and most interesting indeed. Harry has always had a very protective side and demonstrated this when he had a strong message for reporters and paparazzi. There will be a further referendum on monarchy in Australia and she may every well vote to become independent but it would have nothing to do with Meghan and Harrys smear and everything to do with sheer distance (and COVID-19). Neptune distorts the picture. Weve noticed it also. Does she keep everyone at arms length merely acting out a closeness which she doesnt actually feel. Ive mentioned this to some other readers. Where is the proof for the claims against the family? He actually looks nothing like James Hewitt, apart from his (Spencer) colouring, and looks much more like Charles than William does. I was thinking that true is looking at us in face and we dont see it My intuition is telling me that we need to look into question who really introduced Megan to Harry???? Ive spoken to both Rita Rogers and Sylvie Simmons, who read for Diana, on the phone in the past and found them so intriguing and accurate on other matters. My comment is just to thank you for your ongoing astrological reports on the Royal family and to say how touched I was by your tweet to Piers Morgan about where we could send well wishes to the Duke during his hospital stay. I am very sad to hear the death of Prince Phillip. As a student of life have to say this is not looking good and the road ahead is definitely not smooth. The Queen reaching 70 years on the throne-a landmark she will pass in the early hours of February 6, 2022makes her the first British monarch ever to have a Platinum Jubilee. Can astrology reveal that Megan and Harry are not alone and that there is another man in this relationship because according to news Andrew was connected to young girls??? A bizarre version of something that not even we could guess at behind the scenes. I see the Daily Mail Meghan has a tab on the top of the page. Royal biographer Duncan Larcombe suspected that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle could be having problems in their marriage. I can not help feeling Meghan is not as genuine as she makes out. Too much of what they said, didnt add up. Meghan has always been political. Lots of love, light and blessings to you. It really helps to come back to the historic facts. Jessica is also a novelist published by Penguin. The bigger picture is actually America, Britain, Epstein and Maxwell. Do not post personal information or anything that should not be made public. It must be exhausting for Harry to marry, then carry. Maybe both can be charming but also sometimes rather blunt in their language. Well now find that MI5 and MI6 are much more involved, as President Joe Biden has made this a political, global issue by praising Meghan. One of the most famous in the world. Fascinating article. If you go back to the original predictions (Leo Eclipses) youll see the story was also about The Special Relationship between the USA and UK. Hi Jessica the article and all the posts are fascinating. Yes, well see the media interview people about her behaviour and go on the public record. And there is certainly some substance for this assertion. It would explain why shes managed to escape justice and perhaps has been protected by both the royal family/firm and the highest levels of US politicians in both the republicans and democrats for so long. I think this was always her plan so she was playing the Duchess role but at the same time had her true ambition in her mind, thus creating the conflict that Tara and I (and many others) were picking up on. I have felt all along that they are reincarnations of Edward and Mrs Simpson, even Harrys previous wearing of Nazi garb is an interesting bleed through. It is sad for Harry and you would hope that he can find a way through this marriage to eventually reunite with his family. There is something very wrong here. Jessica: Having read these 45 comments my thoughts stray towards how this story might fit as part of a Neptunian mass delusion. There are several more. The mutation D614G being a bit of a mouthful became shortened to Doug and anything without this mutation was labelled Douglas (I assume that is Doug-less) Thank you. I hope you can forward some of these views to your press contacts Jessica. It is hard to not suspect the timings are as deliberately schemed as Meghans copying of Dianas outfits. Nobody dislikes Meghan because of race. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Was she that way introduced to young Harry. That is likely why there was no postponement even though the Duke was seriously ill in hospital. The whole thing makes me feel strangely sea sick! The comments are pretty interesting, arent they! I have had to defend the Royal Family & GB on all my social feeds as it angered me that we were being portrayed this way. According to the guide, Prince Edward, currently Earl of Wessex, will be styled Duke of Edinburgh on the death of Prince Philip. I say with irony ! I havent watched it because I just dont really like people who only think about themselves. Harry and Meghan 2022. In fact, we will be working together this weekend, in a special on prediction. At present the couple are though still Royal Highnesses but have agreed not to use this designation. As you can tell, Im not just American, Im very Capricorn. Frankly, it is all such a shame, especially given how close William and Harry once were interesting and not too surprising that Diana is furious! Feel free to ask me about Harry, Meghan and Oprah. Might it be a way of making sense of the Neptunian deluge that keeps changing the landscape? Winfrey, Meghan and Harry, and CBS could have delayed broadcast of their attack on the family and did not. The interviewer was not forensic, because the interviewer had only recently been promoting the oat milk drink invested in by the subject. Harry and William's rift sparked by Meghan argument, claims royal author Sarah is known for her accuracy, having predicted Prince Harry's exit from the Royal family, the Sussexes' move. She is born under the sign of special, Leo, and all Leos are kings and queens in their own realms. Simone Simmons, back on October 8th 2018, predicted problems for Harry and Meghan and one or two children. As a Leo (Meghan) and a Capricorn (Kate), the two are five signs apart, which is an awkward angle known as a quincunx in astrospeak. And likewise, help from her mother or father; her friends and as another reader has pointed out, one of the worlds greatest hospitals, where she gave birth to Archie. Born: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. The royal household will also have to address claims of institutional racism and a climate where, according to Harrys assessment, Royal family members like the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cambridge feel trapped. Thank you. Her half sister wrote a book , pushy princess, and her father sold pictures of himself to a newspaper for money. Perhaps creating a feeling of It is us against the world or something? Shes a beautiful woman. This published prediction about cover-ups in 2017 was such a long time ago, that Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein had not even been thought of. Thank you. Many thanks to you. 6 Between her and Democrats? As the more senior members of the family, the Cambridge car drew up first and William and Kate emerged. I always liked Harry, actually. Everything they have belongs not to them, but to the people. You are not the only person on this website, or on my Twitter account, to have been uneasy about Meghan. I feel proud that Piers Morgan had the courage to come out to voice his opinion . I did not know Markle was using a surrogate not sure where that comes from. There is a deeply riveting video on youtube of Meghan and Harrys Oprah interview in which some of the worlds leading body language experts analyse them both. The royal family seems to be the most fantastic PR opportunity for her. Described as Britains safest pair of hands, top of Lord Parkers in-tray will be allegations that the Firm did not provide enough support to Meghan when she flagged her deteriorating mental health to the HR department. As I said the issue of race in my opinion was evolving so much more positively through Meghan and Harry being in the royal family. In fact, they are angry. Both were divorced. I feel sorry for Prince William, too. Yet the majority of readers here are with you; they were, and are, strongly against what was broadcast. This was published before Harry and Meghans wedding. Im watching The Crown on Netflix and thinking to myself that this must me the end of them. I agree with Tara there has always been something not quite right with Meghans persona. Thank you. The chart locks into several national horoscopes, for a start, in The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion (The Wessex Astrologer, 2004). Further to my previous post just now ( my theory about this all really being the fallout from Harry finding out his father is not Charles but Major James Hewitt) I feel that it sheds light on the Queens rather distinctive final sentence in her response: Harry, Meghan and Archie will always be much loved family members. It reads to me as coded, speaking very directly to Harry, that he may not be related to her, but she still considers him family. That is quite a lot of information about Meghan Markle Ive not seen anywhere else. It wasnt an accident! This is something else I need to check, if possible. He's attracting a lot of heavy energy in 2020 and it's quite possible that he's going to be seeing red. The Duke of Edinburgh will be fondly remembered and sadly missed. She also believes the pair are acting out karma from The Abdication. Having had serious run ins with 2 narccissts I often saw disturbing similarities in Meghans behaviour, but was always willing to be wrong. Id love to know your thoughts about what is in store for the Royal family in the future. A lot of people are saying the same thing, according to the Daily Mail survey. I am sure your thoughts will fascinate people who are discussing this now. If its all true, Harry is the failure in this case, not the Firm. I imagine the goal is Hollywood and other real estate on a grand scale. Which makes me wonder about her future in American politics? I just re-read your Leo 2017-2019 post. We have a lot of astrology informaton including Prince Harry Astrology 2021 data. Archie is currently the Earl of Dunbarton but will eventually inherit the dukedom, just as the Earl of Wessex will inherit a dukedom. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius is completing a cycle in Meghans Seventh House of marriage this includes her first husband as well as Harry. Why focus only on the Royal Family and not Megans family, they probably caused her more heart ache then the Royals? Of course I cant verify that, but there is certainly a lot of chatter about it. Diana was also a 19 year old ingenue when she became engaged, not a 35 year old media-savvy wordly-wise Hollywood actress and that made me think, is Meghan playing the role of Diana? The year 2026 is the crossroads for these two and for Harry in particular, with the marriage or whatever partnership it has become by then. There seems to have been, as you say, a visceral response. Hope that the Queen continues her reign with the help from the rest of the Royal Family. Your mother came into the world when Mrs. Simpson was exiled from British life and that story lingered for years so it is fascinating that she looks at Meghan and sees Wallis Simpson. This goes beyond money, although money is part of it. For real, this is going to be a bumpy year with surprises, restrictions, unexpected events, chaos, shocks and upheaval. Meghans political capital to the Democrats (especially now she lives in California again) is real. The headline you read here four years ago was The New War of the Rose The Male Windsors and you might remember it from a long piece about the Leo eclipses and the cover-ups involving Buckingham Palace. A trine . Hi Jessica, Its interesting that you are a health professional and find Meghan has narcissism. I have some concerns about general health and wellbeing, as an astrologer, and if these two were your clients you would be talking to them about shedding and delegating at least 50% of what they are taking on board, as the mind, body and spirit can only keep going for so long, before there is an issue. One thing that then struck me in another readers comments was how the dates of their announcements coincided with royal family birthdays etc and I was struck by that level of vindictiveness. Meghan and Harry (Source: Elle) Experts and many say that Meghan is already experiencing the two-year-itch. Was just scrolling around the web when I remembered your eerily accurate takes on matters and rushed to the website to see this! They chose his illness to do it. Intriguing article. The racism out there needs to be addressed. I have no idea if its true so will check. Ive posted on that, in response to another reader. I really hope he gets it. In middle and later life she also became involved with charitable causes she cared about deeply such as AIDS and Landmines where she changed peoples opinions and brought about change in a way few other people could have. And yes, she was always politically minded, even when very young. RIP Prince Philip. Yes, I have a few Indian readers here, and I have learned a lot about karma from your country. The British press too can be quite awful however, Meghan Markles blatant manipulation for money, fame and power on this scale is unlike anything I have seen in a while. It is also about the exhaustion of having so many projects, plans, commitments and responsibilities that it is hard to do more than just blindly move towards the goal. These comments are helping me not to get stressed. But thank you for letting me see Donalds latest fantasy. Whilst Meghan was supposedly feeling suicidal, where was Harry? It turns out, it isnt. Not only do they have a 5 compatibility relationship (which comes from adding her 4 life path to his 1 life path), their son Archie is a 5 life path, as is Meghan's mother Doria . Well, we can see why, now! Hello Jessica, I am a long time reader of your blog. But Harry came off as a spoilt brat quite honestly & I wonder if meghans innapropriateness for the role as a royal was largely his fault. Prince William has been photographed in tears. Life is not always about money as you say. Both married captains. thank you! Thank you. Debbie Frank believes Leo Meghan has made Virgo Harry, her servant, as she tells The Sun. It goes into The Special Relationship between America and Britain, and its tied to Maxwell, Epstein, Clinton, Trump and Prince Andrew. Everyone has a personal opinion in the world right now. Her interviewer, Oprah Winfrey, assuming the role of journalist, was also promoting her share investment in a startup drinks company a few months earlier. That is also distortion. Even to visit Harrys family? The Biden presidency is interesting, because it is all about Kamala Harris. Clearly the US democratic establishment would want this maintained: their trump card . You are in agreement with almost every other reader on this website and 99% of my Twitter followers. You have been the most incredible guide throughout the past years as weve gone through one challenge after another. As Ive just said to another reader: why are top Democrats taking an interest in what is basically a domestic British matter? She worked as a psychic medium for Diana, Princess of Wales and wrote a book about her experiences: Diana, The Last Word. That will go down in history. Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew were both part of the Epstein story, and it has become a highly charged, political situation between the United Kingdom and the United States of America. PS. Youre quite able to run your country and improve your lives by taking their land and their wealth. The footage, perhaps, where the pair talk about Prince Andrew and the Epstein-Maxwell story. They are not treating the family as humans. With his sun and Mercury in practical Virgo, moon in stable Taurus, with a capable Capricorn rising sign, Harry is incredibly earthy. And honestly, I thought its not a top news on CNN. Jessica, I love love love reading your articles where you outline what predictions came true. You were a contemporary of Diana, Princess of Wales, which gives you a unique insight. However, one look at the comments here and Id say that the vast majority have sympathy for the Duke of Edinburgh, only lately released from hospital, and Her Majesty the Queen, who had to endure this during what must have been one of the biggest crises of their lives. So happy and relaxed together) The War of the Roses prediction is spot-on and seems set to get worse given that Gayle King has leaked details of private conversation between the princes to the world how can they discuss tricky matters if they dont respect their own privacy? So youve also noticed the timing of Harry and Meghans choices! psychic hannah carroll predicts prince harry and meghan markle have third baby in 2023 goes viral, . So interesting. It is as well to spell out the facts as we know them. If he does not go back in 2021, which seems very unlikely, he could go back in 19 years. ), education, etc.? Im going to go back and search that myself, in every prediction from the last few years, because this thing is bigger than Meghans investment in oat milk latte. a preview of 2020 predictions to be in betsey's 2020 prophecies and predictions amazon book - t he year scandals, extreme cold and snow breaking records, worldwide civil unrest and riots, revolution, prince harry and meghan will leave the uk and make the u.s their new home (in betsey's new book 2020 prophecies and predictions she wrote either . Thats a peculiar omission. Hi Jessica, Ive been sitting here reading all the comments and your responses. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Tigers can expect to see their luck change for the better if they come across numbers one, three and four. The story goes, Meghan is deliberately copying not just the wardrobe, but also the life of Diana, Princess of Wales. I think thats why my Twitter count went over one million, when we all began discussing the Winfrey show. Many are now questioning the existing of commonwealth and the Royal Family. The anger you feel is felt by a lot of people. Meghan played her hand with 2 of the biggest issues in society at the moment, race and mental health. Will they regret the move to US & the interview? We really need to look at the CIA, FBI and the Epstein-Maxwell story. I also think that now we know their wedding was a sham they should pay us back. It remains to be seen what is in the unreleased footage and if, in fact, we will ever see it. Im so shocked that she threw her in laws under the bus especially (the future queen!) Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Will Britains constitution change? I dont think he has ever shown narcissistic tendencies prior to meeting Meghan so ill give him the benefit of the doubt. Another reader has just mentioned Meghans political capital as a Democrat supporter. Thank you so much for your thoughts on this, having seen the interview twice. Actually they are not. Youre also the third person this morning to have mentioned the speculation about Prince Harry and his real father. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel now or join Meetups to talk to us. She cant fight power when Kate will have ultimate power one day as Queen. In fact you cant separate them. And lets hope that Her Majesty can find the strength to continue, even though she must have feared this was coming too. You are quite right that others have not seen through the whole story. Thanks Julie. I believe Meghans naivety is an issue but also her casual girl next door delivery of very toxic facts is really quite strange and disingenuous for me. In February 2019 Jessica Adams shared her extraordinary insight that a virus would "disrupt the world" in 2020, and even mentioned the date the first victim died in Wuhan - January 10. Oh dear! There will be a cover-up involving both during the eclipse at 19 Gemini on June 10th, 2021. You are quite right about depression and motherhood and yes, people with no resources and money really are on their own. One is for Oprah Winfrey and one is for Clevr. Meghan is the bombshell designed to blast through the royal family, which is now forced to re-group. This all reminds me of James Bond, but also Maxwell Smart and 99. Im surprised that it is happening even in NYC. What has just come to pass is deadly with its risks, though. And even if you resign, if people feel they are owed, they are not going to let you off lightly. 2. And the royal family news shockers don't end there: Prince Harry reportedly headed back to the United States after the funeral of Prince Philip without ever talking to his father Prince Charles OR his brother Prince William! With his family tab on the family Harry and Meghan and Harry ( Source Elle. 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harry meghan astrology predictions 2021