I do not consent to Jesus, or anyone else, dying in my place. I got the less painful side of purity culture. Her husband Jack was gone ALL the time. My ex father in law taught the young married class. Well, wonder no more, you who are looking for the latest dirt on the Hyles/Schaap crime family. Only one party is shown as a resident of NC; the other is shown to be a resident of Boyd County, KY. Now I no longer enjoy those old ways and I do try to do better. YOUR GOD HAS DOOMED YOU TO CAPITL LETTERS AND WAIT, OH MY! The things Jack S. would say and his childish sayings and layghs. Note also that this was before Moses received the law. sort by. Jack Schaap Returns to the Radar: Former Pastor of First Baptist Church Resurfaces with Family TL;DR Jack Schaap, once a pastor in Hammond, Indiana, is back on the radar after pleading guilty to sex crimes. He was denied early release, citing his . I dont want to confirm isnt the minds of those in the congregation that my goal is to persecute the Church at large. Phil Schaap aka Philip van Noorden Schaap was an American jazz disc jockey, archivist, producer, and historian. Do not sell or share my personal information. Schaap served 11 of a 12 year sentence. 6. Optics matter. this. Seems odd to me that as a psychologist youd sound so judgemental. He was born on 6 April 1951 in New York, New York, United States, he was 70 years at the time of his demise. In this trial, Schaap began by claiming, in effect, that his prostate made him do it, as part of an attempt to lighten his 10-year minimum prison sentence. Over his career, he has received 6 Grammy Awards. Whatever her reasons, it is her decision, end of story. Jack Schaap, Hyles' son-in-law, succeeded as pastor after Hyles' death in 2001 and served as pastor until July 2012." Last year First Baptist Church celebrated the 10th anniversary of Jack Schaap's ministry there. Subscribe to one or more of our free e-mail newsletters to get instant updates on local news, events, and opportunities in Chicago. A look through its contents reveals plenty of cringe-inducing behaviors. Pastor Jack Schaap will be sentenced Wednesday for having sex with an underage girl. God will know I was sincere. Was it how she dressed, In places in the Middle East women and girls are raped all the time, and they have to wear burquas. Many other women, teenage girls, and even children have been the target of sexual predators at First Baptist, including those polluted by Hyles son, Dave, when he was a youth leader at First Baptist, beginning in 1969 when he was 16 years old. In one transcript, a text from Schaap reads: Yesterday was off-the-charts! :))). I was asked to be a detective. Go to the police immediately to report a Crime! For Jesus would have it this way. Talk about sin its sin on all sides. Schaap pleaded. COVID rates are on the rise in California right now, and even many within my family have contracted the virus. Believing or not believing the truth only effects our lives and those we influence. I know her heavenly Father loves her and is caring for her and that she is finding comfort in Him. And regarding bitterness, it is a blessed thing, ever so human and real and important and necessary. Its sad when divorce happens. For the sake of the cause at large, I need to take precautions to be - for lack of a better term - above reproach. I saw things in Schaap that I did not add up until later that now make complete sense. Put 100 IFB preachers in a room and youll end up with numerous opinions about marriage, separation, and divorce, with each person believing that their interpretation of the Bible is clear. Cavanaugh joined our staff in 2017 and serves as the Bus Director, Dean of Students, and teaches the Faith Builders Sunday school class. Im sure you dont want that on your shoulders. Yes, Jack fell and is disgustingly gross but his wife did not help the situation. The church was built around two things: the bus ministry and Jack Hyles. No one should be forced to remain married to someone they no longer want to be married to. Immediately. No secrets here, no skeletons in the closet, no bodies buried underneath the communion table. as most of you know, jack schaap, former pastor of first baptist church, hammond, indiana, is serving a 12 year sentence in federal prison for having sexual relations with a minor. So you have faith Preacher and gave up the non-faith you once believed in? I once believed and now I dont. Did she even ask him if he still wanted to be married to her? jack schaap net worth. shouldnt congregations be warned when these things happen and the church tries to cover it up? He also said it would be a 'cold day in hell before I get my theology from a woman', adding: 'Your soul is going to hell because of what Eve did.'. The unsaved world will disagree, and they can go argue with the Boble about it. Im so glad Jesus sent you by to tell us what to write and read. Which God do we actually serve? If someone knows to do good and does not do it then they have SINNED. I truly DO hope he's reformed, but, past history in these kinds of cases shows it's not likely. You do know that a differing opinion is not a lie, right? He does not bear that sword of justice. Interpretation of that verse varies, both fornication and adultery are sexual immorality. So, what you are saying is that Jack Schaaps wife is partially to blame for him having sex with the teenager he was counseling. No matter how you interpret it, there is indeed a wiggle room here. IFB=independent Fundamentalist Baptist church movement. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. But it's like drawing an inside straight' - Joe Biden says Democrats can still hold the House as he flies to Egypt for climate summit, White House announces ANOTHER aid package to Ukraine as Putin skips the G20 and questions swirl over whether Republicans will back more funding if they take the House majority, Deacon 'found image of Schaap and teenage church member making out on pastor's phone'. The legal age of consent in the state of Indiana is 16, the lowest age allowed in any state. So, please show me where I have said one lie about IFB churches. #3. Bring it on, Morris the Hateful servant! As most of you have seen, I had planned to lead a peaceful gathering of survivors at North Valley Baptist Church in Santa Clara, CA. In the late 1960s and 1970s, Jack Hyles was, as many of us described, the pope of the Independent Fundamentalist Baptist church movement. But I have enough of my own troubles to keep me busy rather than condemning him. Divorce is allowed in the Bible in cases of infidelity. UPDATE: On May 4th, 2022 Jack Schaap was given an early release. Best regards! A marriage is a partnership. He sinned and he got what he deserved!!!!! If you were assaulted or molested and did not report it to Gods other ministers as taught in Romans 13 your car or house is evidently more important than the well-being of your family member. Mine fell under this area, and I have since remarried. First Baptist has influencedthousandsof churches. Yet dont forget this, pray for the one who is in prison also, for Jesus tells us The reality is, I am a strong believer myself. Everyone gets married by Contract with the Government thats why the Government grants the divorce. Study Romans 13:1-6. Joseph RESISTED 3. In 2011 Clarence Sexton went to Pastor's school at FBC Hammond and showered the church and now-disgraced pastor Jack Schaap with praise. Never again. Well, I am an atheist, so I worship neither your God or government. This recently released document reveals the evidence that will put him away. Cindy Schaap, who has spent her entire life in this church, addressed the congregation during the festive occasion. But his excuses riled federal prosecutors, who countered by filing a 23-page response that revealed previously withheld details of the disgraced 55-year-old pastors actions. Reminding me of the dumb Canadian judge, now retired who snapped at a rape victim: Why couldnt you just keep your legs closed together? So youre a supporter of the serial adulterer, Jack Hyles. The relationship lasted from June 1, 2012 to July 30, 2012, during which he traveled with her from Indiana to Illinois to Michigan, 'with the intent that she engage in sexual activity', according to the Chicago Tribune. ! 7. While IFB church members do divorce from time to time, it is not a common occurrence. Its time to unsheath the sword of the Word of God which is the sword of the Spirit. Are Christian pastors meant have sex with a minor? Conclusion I feel like the potential cons of this largely outweigh any potential positive. For that reason, I dont feel comfortable attaching the protest to the Preacher Boys Podcast at this time. Bruce is now a humanist and an atheist. Dont these pastors preach against this sort of thing (Of course they do)? Having a better understanding of what went down there now than then, I am happy for Cindy. Do you have empirical evidence for your claim that Jack Schaap, Jack Hyles (David Hyles, Bob Gray?) For one thing, his wife ought to have been present when counseling the teen. Chicago magazine newsletters have you covered. Not your pastor. What difference does it make which state she is living in or that she has moved to a different city in another state from where her father established his corporation? The thinking goesGod hates divorce and God intends for marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. You will feel the crushing great weight of humanity as she walks over you now and forever, as the minions of miracles crush your loved ones with Humanitys Judgement, the plagues of comeuppance, the horrors of your ways! I think I actually get it! He pleaded guilty in U.S. District Court in September to transporting a minor across state lines for sexual relations. Grow up, already. In six years, the teens reported 100,000 salvation decisions, though the youth Sunday School averaged only 2,500. In 1973, First Baptist saw attendances exceeding 25,000 people. First Baptist is housed in the old federal courthouse building in Hammond, Indiana, and contains an auditorium that seats 7,500. Glen, you may be all right with having someone else die in your place. It was a bit cultish, in retrospect. As such, I unashamedly love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and His Church. COVID restrictions. Last year, he was chastised for his views on women, believing them to be an inferior species and saying husbands should take charge of their wives and blasted Eve as being the sinner. I also recently lost someone due to the disease. Jack Schaap, former pastor at the First Baptist Church of Hammond, was sentenced in 2013 to 12 years in prison for his sexual relationship with a 17-year-old parish girl. But if what he said about her is true all I can say is wow. IFB Sermon Clips on Twitter retweeted clip, confirming the identity. You told me that I was sent to you from God; I was his gift to you., 2) Schaaps claim that Christ wanted the two to be together. In 2020, two lawsuits were filed against Dave Hyles by women who claim that he sexually abused them in the 1970s. The two spoke on the phone or texted each other more than 600 times, according to prosecutors. So you gave up the faith you once believed in? - Mrs. Linda Boyd Jack Schaap was always very open about his life. It's worth noting that David Gibbs, an attorney for the church, warned Kimmel and Schaap they might be . Concise. Thats the bartender, right? Im still a very active member of my church, in fact I work on staff as a full time secretary. I will remain you that independent churches operate as a group as they do not often take their doctrine from the declarations of a man, most independent churches, regardless of the denomination.. If youd said glad Id have agreed. Telling you that you must believe them would not change that fact. But not believing it can have a significant impact on your life in this world and in eternity to come. Schaap is imprisoned in Ashland, Kentucky, where he and more than 300 others contracted COVID-19 this fall, according to his letter, making him no longer afraid he would pass it onto his parents.. Whats wrong with being bitter tim? Jack Schaap, 54, had been pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond in Indiana for 11 years, but was let go in July after a deacon saw a text on his phone from the teenager, allegedly with. For months now, rumors have been flying over the marriage of Cindy Schaap and Jack Schaap. This is the next chapter in the story of the First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana, an organizationChicago magazine has been following since a feature in the January 2013 issue. I dont want to put risk on anyone, and also, want to respect the current mandates and CDC recommendations. So, youre an apostate. Many people can say what they are it does not make them what they say. If you have a car stolen who should you call? Thanks.". 2. Then get down on your knees and pray for yourself because brother Steven, you need prayer. I try to be very careful not to place myself or others in situations where words can be taken out of context, misconstrued, or ideas can be misrepresented. You can either accept that, or not, but it doesnt change the fact that I know, based on a lifetime of experience, what I am talking about. Email: [email protected] Toll free: (866) 364-9980 He does sound like bad news. If all Baptist churches would rightly divide their King James Bibles, wed have a different world. Nice try. Divorce is not forbidden, actually scripture makes parameters of when divorce is acceptable and one includes adultery. I briefly attended HAC in the late 80s and attended FBC many times when Schaap was a teacher and counselor there. As they say, the road to hell is paved with them. All over and done with. Potiphars wife REPORTED the attempt the SAME DAY. I pray this post is a blessing to someone, in Jesus name, amen. I gotta shit, and hes been wasting all the toilet paper. Look at Jn. Protester at Paris Hilton's peaceful march at Provo Canyon School holds a sign that reads, "The Kids You Abuse Today Will Be the Ones Who Take You Down Tomorrow.:". It says nothing about abortion, yet abortion is almost universally opposed. You have not one iota, one speck of proof for even the existence of your Hateful Boss. Indoor & Outdoor SMD Screens, LED Displays, Digital Signage & Video Wall Solutions in Pakistan Had Mary been guilty of fornication, Joseph could have scripturally legally divorced her, as their marriage had not yet been consummated. What a mess. As I mentioned in the first point, I don't wish to give others the opportunity to say that this is a full-fledged attack on the Christian religion in it's entirety. *A little while later, Kingsbury sent another text* "Dont bother sending it to anyone. Or is that why we look at other peoples garbage so we dont have to see our own? If you're not a reader, you can watch an interview like this one with Rachel Welcher. or debate this issue live on our message boards. As most of you know, Jack Schaap, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, is serving a 12 year sentence in federal prison for having sexual relations with a minor. And yet for some odd reason I am still a believer. Should be fired or resign fron being pastor at fbc hammond. I fear my wife far more than I do God. Dear Cindy could have been shagging the entire US airforce (though the suggestion is that any transgression on her part was at her husbands door) but that does not exonerate her husband in any way. You can download these past questions from our site! I will remain you that independent churches operate as a group as they do not often take their doctrine from the declarations of a man, most independent churches, regardless of the denomination operate on those principles. 5) Schaap dishonoring the teens father and mother. The God of Government? How Covid Restrictions Affected Religious Groups. I suspect Ive attended and preached at a lot more IFB churches than you have. LOVELY . One, for his trips to an Illinois forest preserve, was that he needed to spend time with God walking and praying. To explain his taking the girl alone to his Michigan cabin, he told his assistant that he needed to spend extended periods of time alone with the girl to save herboth literally and spirtually. On the surface, it's easy to miss why purity culture and the Christian conversation is, in fact, so toxic. They have grown in popularity in recent years, and are mostly a phenomenon of modern times. Not one of these things are true, and I dont want to give people the chance to say that they are. Well the new pastor of fbc hammond Indiana preach on gay are evil and wrong and a pastor should never judge no one only god can judge so i think pastor john wikerson. Bruce I can speak from personal experience on this one. Jack Schaap. So his opinion is hardly one to be dismissed lightly. Jack Schaap commited felony under Federal Jurisdiction USA. While he should never again hold such a position of trust, Jack has paid his debt to society and needs love. Do you know a competent doctor I could chat with about that? Is this extreme sex drive justification for Schaaps criminal behavior? After an immense amount of time and thought weighing it out, Im making the decision to cancel the event. Schaap pleaded. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Jack Schaap was born on 10/01/1957 and is 65 years old. *sigh*. Bruce! You may be threatened so much that you mouth the words I believe, but you wouldnt really. View arrest records, background check report etc. Wow. Also pray for rhe one who sits behind bars. But marriage becomes Til death do us part after that. Never alone with females, period. The bible teaches you to hate gays, but also teaches that homosexuality is fine. Long-running: Schaap, pictured preaching from the church's pulpit, had been pastor there since 2001, but was dismissed after a vote from the deacons, Place of worship: The First Baptist Church is located in Hammond, Indiana, and is partially housed in the old federal court building; its auditorium sits 7,500, Roots: Schaap, pictured left, is married to Cindy Schaap, the daughter of the late Rev Jack Hyles, right, who founded the First Baptist Church in Hammond. You are fundamentally wrong that what you believe can affect salvation in the way you claim because nobody can help what they believe. I know what you're thinking "Oh great, another guy offering his unsolicited takes on purity culture. 2514 Plantation Center Drive Matthews, NC 28105. Yet not once during our divorce did he reach out and try to reconcile us. In 2013 Clarence Sexton is not only on the list of speakers who will be preaching at Bob Jones University's Bible conference, he's speaking twice and closing out the conference. It has been shared and developed by well-intentioned Christian authors. Phil Schaap Net Worth. It was his OWN fault for having sex with another woman (especially a teenager) but where was Cindy when he was counselling this girl? Im so sorry for the hurt in your life that must have caused this. However, my fellowship can be strained, but just like my relationship with my earthly parents cannot be undone my relationship with my heavenly Father is unchanging. I dont blame her for divorcing him he shamed the vows he made and he shamed the trust she had in him. As far As the former mrs schaap, jack schaap got into major trouble in prison for some sick public stuff he tried to do with a female visitor, it see,w that it was his wife he did this too, In front of everyone. Sincerely, I can say that the motivation behind the event was a positive one. Potiphars wife had EVIDENCE. Showing 23 distinct works. I belong to an IFB church but I dont go along with them lock, stock and barrel.I read other translations.But I just want to say thank you because I believe there is a cult of Jack Hyles. I went to Hammond Baptist High School with Cindy, she was nice, but this was a cult church! If you truly received the knowledge of the truth, then there remains no more sacrifice for your sins. My writing about the IFB church is not mere opinion. Some Holy Ghost that guides you. This summarizes a message I intended to bring to our church family but have not been allowed to deliver. In January 2013,Chicago Magazineran a front-page report entitled Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, documenting ten cases of sexual crimes and fornications committed by pastors associated with First Baptist. It even had a song written about it by a well-intentioned Christian musician that has been shared by well-intentioned Christian fans. Published: 00:00 EST, 4 January 2013 | Updated: 22:04 EST, 4 January 2013. Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Daves first wife, Paula, testified of his serial philandering, as did many others. Hmmm, something happend in your life! Got thrown in prison for 22yrs. Investigators later recovered photos taken inside the cabin showing a grinning Schaap on a couch in an intimate pose with the girl and also french-kissing [her] while touching her in a sexual manner.. I also suspect that I know a hell of a lot more IFB preachers than you do. Getentrepreneurial.com: Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. I am sorry to hear that bro.schaap Other IFB Christians and pastors think differently. As it is, from what Ive read by, and about, Bruce, it seems that it is the best decision he ever made (after marrying Polly). By Hemant Mehta. He and his wife have six grown children and thirteen grandchildren. He fooled the people at FBCH/HAC.He became their pastor.UGH! Jack Schaap (pronouncedskop), former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, was released from prison on May 4 after serving nine years (of a 12-year sentence) for a sexual relationship with a teenage church member (Former pastor released,The Times of Northwest Indiana, Munster, May 14, 2022). Bro. Spamming threadbare Christian clichs makes Baby Jebus cry. Why come at them with an accusing tone and shut down conversation? Joseph Refused 2. Mega-churches are houses of worship with 2,000 or more members and weekly attendees. Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. 2Peter 1:20 KJ. Marriage is not a contract between two people; it is a covenant between a couple and God. It is found only in Matthew because that is the gospel written to the Jews, who had the custom of betrothal. So, if this rebirth has happened it cannot unhappen. I know what Im talking about. Now, if she can divorce herself from that whole cultish hell Oh, I hope she can. Let me be clear, I have no problem with Cindy Schaap divorcing her husband. You can certainly look with great fear of judgment and fiery indignation because you have trodden under foot the Son of God, and counted the blood of the covenant as an unholy thing. 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If so, then I commend your sense of layered humor, ANONYMOUS in caps. He also admitted that he used a computer to persuade the girl to have sex with him illegally. But if you can find the patience within yourself, please hear me out, I won't be long. ABOVE) ARE FULL OF DUNG UNLESS &-OR UNTIL YOU ALL GET +++BORN-AGAIN+++ SPIRITUALLY ACCORDING TO THE TRUE KING JAMES HOLY BIBLE ala ST. JOHN CHAPTER THREE (3) VERSES 1-16 ! Preacher Boy A preacher boy is a young boy, most often a teenager, called by God to be a preacher. It really showed me the origin of the IFB and also why IFB has all the same flavor to it, despite they eponymous independence. But did she even try?. My Response to Richard Boltin, an IFB Apologist. Context is a crucial element for productive conversations. Here are five of the most disgusting details: 1) Schaap kissing the victim during counseling. That is just a drop in the bucket, as has been documented in many reports. I would ask you to make a correction on this moot point you have made. You do know Im an atheist, right? Factual. In my opinion, Jack Schaap has always held a high personal standard of moral excellence, honesty, integrity, and a strong work ethic. You sound like youd shut down the conversation before it even began. That year, Dave organized the Teenage Soul Winning program. Glen, Ill not respond at length but I will say this. Yes, it is a very hard truth, as the disciples noted. Let them talk about why they are bitter? I cannot assume to know the condition of any mans heart. I'm thankful for the reality of the Gospel and the truth of God's Word. Jack has many family members and associates who include Penny Schaap, Todd Schaap, Carmen Schaap, Timothy Schaap and Ryan Meyer. I dont want to put those good transitions in jeopardy by giving the vibe that we are exactly how we will be inevitably presented to be. You're probably not off-base for feeling like that. The former son-in-law of Jack Hyles, Schaap is now serving tim. Many focus on seeker services, which often offer little deep theology and instead appeal to sceptics and non-believers. Since when is being board certified any indication of competence? The plaintiff established residency in NC, which is what is required in legal matters, before filing for divorce in her state of residence. 3) | How a Survivor Became an Advocate. I am so glad she is divorced from that cad. 2nd. The same women, no doubt, who have been raising their voices to share their rightful hurt after watching Modest is Hottest and seeing it warmly received by many of their fellow Christians. What Sins ought to be covered> See 1 Peter 4:8. If it takes two, and the woman is partially responsible, what about rape? The Bible is not at all clear about when a divorce is permitted and when it is not. I have been accused of attacking the Church at large, as well as Christianity and local churches broadly. Why not look at what the bible says. If youd like to talk about my story and the IFB church, please let me know. My reason for cancelling comes from that same place. A coat. As anyone who spent any time in an IFB church can tell you, divorce is forbidden. So now she is compounding the sin by the divorce?? Why is no one questioning why this decree is in NC and that the parties are shown as NC residents? Why not look at what the bible says. So, whether or not this man is born again or not I do not know. In the September plea agreement, Schaap admitted that he had sex with the girl, who turned 17 a week after the relationship started. If he did not want to change fine divorce him but know this, Cindy was just as responsible for her lack of wanting to be Jacks wife in every sense of the word. The disciples noted exceeding 25,000 people against Dave Hyles by women who that... Churches broadly be a preacher boy is a fearful thing to fall into hands. 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Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, franchises! To Richard Boltin, an IFB Apologist and Savior, Jesus Christ, and even many within family!: [ email protected ] Toll free: ( 866 ) 364-9980 he sound! Song written about it by a well-intentioned Christian musician that has been shared by well-intentioned Christian musician has... When is being board certified any indication of competence seats 7,500 not change fact. The motivation behind the event was a teacher and counselor there part after that anyone, and the Christian is. The living God to Jesus, or anyone else, dying in my place covid rates on... Because brother Steven, you may be all right with having someone else in. No more sacrifice for your sins compounding the sin by the divorce or is that we! Are no longer want to be dismissed lightly legal age of consent in the way you claim nobody... Moot point you have a car stolen who should you call anyone, and I dont want to risk. 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