Winning the prestigious Newdigate Prize at Oxford for his poem Our Western Furniture, Fenton seemed destined for poetic fame. This claim shows a total ignorance, not only of Olympic and Titanic but of ships and shipbuilding in general. Of course there is no testimony from Ballard himself, or from any of the other expeditions who would clearly have also seen this. I have contacted Steve Hall directly (November 2018) to clarify this and there are 4 important points to be considered: 1. Now, director James Cameron is hoping . (Click image to see full photograph). Otherwise there is no other evidence crew were forced to sign any "Official Secrets Act." Titanic researcher and wreck explorer Parks Stephenson, who most recently was involved in photographing the Titanic wreck in 2019, simply replied: "People will see what they want" (26/09/2019) and posted this image: Claim: The starboard B-deck windows on the wreck are narrow, which matches the Olympic, not the Titanic. The production, which transplanted the story to the Mafia underworld of 1950s New York City, was a success, and it caught the eye of theatre producer Cameron Mackintosh, who asked him to translate the French musical Les Misrables, based on the book by Victor Hugo. The origin of this seems to have come from Paddy the pig, also known as James Fenton, who later in life related the following: When the He also confirmed that the ship was doing seventy-five revolutions, not 80 as was possible. Harold Sanderson repeatedly referred to Titanic as Olympic When the Titanic sailed on her maiden voyage in April 1912, the number of passengers that she was carrying was very similar to the number that was booked onto Olympic for her maiden voyage the year before. This would seem very odd considering the fact that people were paying for Titanic's maiden voyage and not the Olympics maiden voyage. 26 'James Fenton antiques' For Sale and Sold ( 4 For Sale 22 Sold) Page 1. and impacted on the larger open spaces dictated by a ship aiming for luxury, instead of being a watertight battleship. Claim: The forged "Titanic" letters have rusted off and reveal a "MP" - part of the word Olympic that was actually engraved or embossed into the original metal panel of the ship. And there is evidence of 'white' paint on the hull of the wreck. Claim: While Olympic was open for inspection by the press and public in both Belfast and Southampton, Titanic was not open for any inspection at all, except to The Board of Trade inspection. This was the result of a difference in the coal consumption and the emptied coal bunker aft of BR 6 and forward of BR 5The coal bunker was on the starboard side which was emptied. In fact the outlines of the letters are visible in part on the wreck, and the surviving White Star passenger tender Nomadic, built at the same time as Olympic and Titanic, shows exactly the same process. and this slipped to $4,509,270 in 1911. Olympic had 16 bow portholes. All other portholes on this part of the ship remained as they appeared at the time of her launch. And when we factor in that the passenger capacity was actually even less (2550, which would mean space for 1503) then we clearly see the claim is not accurate at all. Morgan and Ismay would have to be fortune tellers as well as fraudsters! After this documentary went to air Steve Hall co-authored a new book Titanic or Olympic: Which Ship Sank? Proportionally less than Titanic!" But of course there is overwhelming evidence it was the Titanic that sank, which places this particular claim as purely conspiracy conjecture, for which there is no logic, let alone evidence. So higher or sealed bulkheads would not necessarily have prevented Titanic from sinking, Bulkhead put on Olympic found in stern wreck This is one of the most popular pieces of 'evidence' of a switch but also the easiest to disprove. They Fenton was also active in the theatre scene. Excerpt from the documentary "Titanic Breaking New Ground" when director James Cameron explores B-52 during his 1995 dive. They would only be interested in shorter crossings. The Olympic deck plans show a curved wheelhouse: 2. Firstly Titanic was not a "steel double-hulled vessel". name on it. Hall and Beveridge note in regard to this photograph that although "the overlapped doubler is hidden behind the stowed anchor, saw a lot of iceon the deck First and foremost there is no documented evidence to verify it. - Fourth Officer Boxhall "a little ice in the well deck covering a space of about three or four feet from the bulwarks right along the well deck, small stuff. (British Enquiry,Day 13) Gardiner of course claims that all documentary records indicating otherwise were falsified in order to perpetuate the insurance fraud which was about to take place. It is the Olympic, not Titanic. The warped keel apparently gave the Olympic a permanent a 2 degree list to port and the ship builders stated that it could not be corrected without rebuilding half of the ship. Actually, it is quite likely true that most of the Belfast 'delivery trip' crew did not sign on for Titanic's maiden voyage. He always maintained that the iceberg It is true that Titanic's bulkheads did not extend to the 'top' and were also not 'sealed' at the top, for a number of reasons. Another set of poems was published by Fullers press as the broadsheet Put Thou Thy Tears into My Bottle (1969). It began in January of 1912 - Leading Fireman Charles Hendrickson (British Inquiry, Day 5). 31. However there is absolutely no evidence Olympic or Titanic ever had their names "riveted on". The Government man read the crew the Official Secrets Claim: The name plate of Titanic is longer on the ship as it went on its maiden voyage compared to when it was being built. Claim: The ship was going full steam, but was achieving only 21 knots, rather than its theoretical maximum of 23, despite the Atlantic being exceptionally calm on the night of the sinking. Importantly, And to finally put it to rest we have a photograph of Captain Smith on Titanic's bridge on sailing day - and the wheelhouse is clearly flat behind him. Hence the White Star Line and their publicity agents logically used photographs of her older twin sister instead. 'Faux' as in false or imitation. CourtesySteve Hall and Bruce Beveridge's book Titanic or Olympic, Which Ship Sank? The bulkheads were not actually sealed at the top, this oversight allowed water to flow over, filling each compartment, one at a time. There are ample photographs online and in books of this area of Titanic for you to check for yourself. As in the previous points, we know that damage to the Olympic did not include a 'warped keel'. It could be compared to a short haul and long haul flights today -often requiring very different airline cabin crews. It clearly occurred in a different part of the ship than where the Titanic split. Numerous ships were stationed nearby despite a coal strike Though a stint reporting from Germany for The Guardian (197879) was ultimately abortive, A Vacant Possession (1978), his pamphlet of narrative poems, was a critical success. Not to mention the difficulty in changing the shell-plating at the bow and stern which bore the ships names - the names were not just painted on the plates, they were cut into the plates in letters four feet high and one-half inch deep that were then filled in with paint. "iceberg" (or what Gardiner believes was an "IMM rescue ship") interrupted this original plan. 3. If they were interchangeable why would there be a number on it? You do not need to be an expert to see that it certainly does not. So does the post-disaster image of Olympic show the "doubler" overlapping or not? The documentary itself, although spending the first 40 minutes promoting the 'switch' conspiracy, actually ends up concluding in the final five minutes that it did not happen. 45. The actual triangular hole in the Olympic is much further aft than the location of the so-called 'patchwork' on the wreck. 11. Claims for this range from "two of the firemen, boiler stokers and greasers" to "a large proportion of the engine crew" to the specific number of 173 who 'preferred to wait for employment on another ship.' What they seem to miss is that this is clearly a fake, computer generated image, as it doesn't match any other footage ever shot of the wreck let alone the bow section. damage control, especially prior to an official inquiry.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'titanicswitch_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-titanicswitch_com-banner-1-0'); Claim: Harold Sanderson, from shipbuilder Harland and Wolff, repeatedly referred to Titanic as Olympic at the British inquiry. When the their attention to it, and they all watched it disappear, but had then at once resumed However it seems that conspiracy theorists make a deliberate mathematical error, and then label it 'conclusive evidence'. Visit Fenton's special Poetry Archive webpage and listen to recordings of him reading the poems 'Wind', 'Blood and Lead', 'Jerusalem', and 'In Paris with You'. His answer, as it was in relation to the wreck only, is because "the wreck wasn't 100% confirmed until Jim Cameron's expedition in 2010/11 i.e. Claim: Also, at Titanic's launch, all of the windows on B-deck were evenly spaced out, yet on her maiden voyage they were seen as being unevenly spaced, just as Olympic's were. Dr. Fenton is a board-certified, fellowship-trained thoracic surgeon with training and experience in thoracic oncology and minimally invasive surgery, including robotic surgery. Promenade Suites, identical to Olympic's. We know that Titanic had spare propellers made (as after the disaster they were used for memorials) so it would not be unreasonable to expect Olympic was the same. . ships the crows nest bell seldom has any writing on it.". Since they both essentially had the same dimensions, the difference is simply due to revised interior configurations 39. While there were costs involved in repairing the damage in the Olympic/Hawke collision, and that the Olympic was out of service meant lost revenue, the fact is that as a business the White Star Line was not going bankrupt and there simply was no need for a 'switch'. There are two keys errors in this hypothesis. The second photograph is of Titanic, while still being fitted out in 1911, which shows no similar joint in her hull plating just ahead of her port side anchor. drive the ship at full speed.. Any discolouration could be explained as due to lighting conditions and/or photographic imperfections. distribution for 1910 being 30 percent after depreciation. Firstly because a collision resulting in water overflowing the top of a bulkhead was considered very unlikely. alone did not sink Titanic, that it had a fire burning in the coal bunkers for a It must first be stated that it is correct that there is a difference between Olympic in Titanic in this regard. Only a limited number of changes required for a switch She worked up to 80. The wind blows through his silver hair. But there is a very simple and logical reason that does not necessitate a conspiracy. In this photograph we see Captain Smith and First officer Murdoch on Olympic's bridge and clearly see a curved wheelhouse behind them. Difference in port side joint plating And those occasions he returned early were in June - never as early as April. Incidentally, Titanic's name was first filmed in 1987 by IFREMER and Titanic Ventures (later RMS TITANIC INC.) after they cleaned that part of the bow from rust. Mark Chirnside writes regarding the bell in his dissertation: "The absence of a name on this bell does not prove that the ship was the Olympic. Claim: Numerous ships were stationed nearby, despite a coal strike, to take off the passengers, which is why the shortage of lifeboats would not matter. Olympic was the first to be launched, pronounced the largest and most luxuriest ship in the world. And as Titanic author Bruce Beveridge points out, the very reason it has a specific build number on it was due to the fact that the propellers were not interchangeable, due to the specific pitch of the blades designed for each ship. as already discussed here the Olympic's damage from HMS Hawke did not exceed $125,000, and there is independent verification of this fact. The list is believed to be accurate, but may contain some errors. 32. 23. Secondly, to propose that the Carpathia was involved in some pre-arranged rescue mission requires evidence - for which there is zero documentation or testimony. This means Morgan would certainly have no reason to return early on April 10 especially when he was due in Venice by April 23 (remembering that the transatlantic voyages are at least 5 days long, he would be unlikely to make it back in time). Firstly, it is true that the Carpathia had a capacity of more than what the Titanic was carrying - the Carpathia was certified for more than 2800. - Yes. While reporting from the Philippines for The Independent in 198689, he witnessed the fall of the abusive authoritarian regime of Ferdinand Marcos. In my view it is very unlikely that the damage was more significant than was admitted at the time. Above: Titanic, left and Olympic, right. But they were cut short for several good reasons. However the way in which it is painted to look part of a conspiracy theory had switched ships at layup and that an insurance scam was going on. everything else was added. 14. Claim: Titanic split at the same point where the Hawke hit, revealing that it was in fact the Olympic. Veined marble is a naturally occurring metamorphic crystalline limestone and, like snowflakes and finger prints, no two pieces are the same. 1 were never lit at all. (This was mentioned in Dan van der Vat and Robin Gardiners 1995 book, The Riddle of the Titanic, page 21.) The Poetry Archive -- James Fenton is one of the numerous poets featured on this fantastic website. Auden, with whom he developed an intermittent friendship and to whose poems his own were later stylistically likened. Titanic's bulkheads were intentionally deficient The claim that Olympic was fitted with Titanics propeller has been made as a defense for the fact that the propeller on the wreck has Titanic's number on it: 401 Titanic was not open for the press and public inspection The Abyss un film del 1989 scritto e diretto da James Cameron, e interpretato da Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio e Michael Biehn.. La sua realizzazione fu estremamente travagliata e si protrasse per circa due anni ad un costo mai confermato ufficialmente ma stimato in 69,5 milioni di dollari. The Britannic, when launched, had 16 portholes, consistent with the later port side configuration of the Titanic and the Olympic. Even if the insurance would not pay out the $750,000, IMM After returning to England in 1976, he reported on British politics for the New Statesman. The number 401 on Olympic woodwork The montage was then later created by "AIVL, WHOI" and released by National Geographic on the 100th anniversary of the sinking in March 2012. But this should not misconstrued as anything unusual, but common practice for a company which suddenly comes under media scrutiny and wants to maintain Above: Olympic, taken during her 1912/13 refit following the Titanic disaster, allegedly shows the vessel without the tell-tale plating joint. The lifeboat was wrecked in a collision with the Gosport Ferry at Portsmouth and taken by the Royal Navy to Haslar for demolition. So the accuracy of his statement is found wanting and thus calls into question his mention of carpet in the "dining saloon". Claim: Titanic had a newly named room, "The Olympic Room" because, superstitious shipping merchants believe it is bad luck to change the name on a ship, and J Bruce Ismay, and J.P. Morgan thought it best to have the Olympic's name still somewhere on board. sailed in a great hurry from Belfast and said that when they hit the iceberg it His wartime experiences heavily influenced his ensuing volumes of verse, which included the pamphlet Dead Soldiers (1981), containing a single poem on meeting Pol Pots brother in Cambodia; The Memory of War: Poems 19681982 (1982), including some of his student work; and Children in Exile (1983). So it is hardly likely crew would be forced to use it for the Titanic disaster. Firstly, Ismay's wife and children did not cancel at the last moment. First and foremost we must address the fact that 'tonnage' mentioned here does not refer to a ship's "weight". Ever since "Titanic" came out 25 years ago, a debate has arisen about a pivotal scene toward the end that has become almost as iconic as the film itself. 33. In fact all ships of the Olympic Class (i.e. 2. We also have a substantial amount of supporting evidence to prove that Olympic's wheelhouse was indeed curved: 1. So there is nothing surprising with the fact that an iceberg caused enough damage to the starboard side (not bottom) of the hull so as to breach watertight compartments that eventually led to its sinking. Act explaining that if they told of the real reason for the sinking, or the her full speed if the weather cooperated. For many years afterward its port and starboard White Star insignia were used as prizes by a local Sea Scout group. 'The Olympic Room' 8. As it is a montage that was artificially created they could have quite easily ensured that this area was not accurately shown.? However, there are several large issues with this theory. LET'S SEE THE "EXPERTS" DEBUNK THIS ONE." Titanic advertising used photographs and artwork of the Olympic. As far as I am This has already been discussed here. and came to the conclusion that while elements of Fenton's background can be validated Above left: Olympic taken when the vessel was in the Thompson Graving Dock in 1911, allegedly shows her to have had a vertical joint in her hull plating immediately forward of the port side anchor hawse pipe. Titanic split at the same point where the Hawke hit. 2. However, if the panelling had been from Olympic the number would have been 400 not 401." Survivor Lawrence Beesley wrote about men in the smoking room sighting the iceberg in his book, "The Loss of the SS Titanic": "One of them had seen through the windows an iceberg go by towering above the decks. WELL HERE YA GO. Gewinner und Nominierte des Golden Globe Award in der Kategorie Beste Filmmusik (Best Original Score - Motion Picture), die die herausragendsten Leistungen von Komponisten des vergangenen Kalenderjahres prmiert.Die Kategorie wurde im Jahr 1948 ins Leben gerufen. How many crew and passengers were onboard prior to the rescue? Californian was not expecting rockets, but a rendezvous The ships that were launched were not launched in a finished state. 9. Damage from Olympic's collision with Hawke was more significant of her departure many outlets resorted to using photographs and footage of Olympic, leading to much confusion over the subsequent years. They were metal plates which were screwed on. The fact is that there were many physical differences between the two ships that would involve substantial work to change. But more important than that, what evidence does Gardiner provide for such a plan, or even the existence of seacocks on Titanic? April 14, 1930 - April 12, 2021 IN THE CARE OF Victory Memorial Park Funeral Centre It is with wonderful memories of a life well lived that we announce the peaceful passing of James "Jim", "Jimmie", "Paka" Fenton, on April 12, 2021 at the age of 90. 45,324. Claim: White Star never had any intention of scuttling the ship. Hardly "numerous" or warranting any suspicion, especially considering Please note how it does not match the so-called 'Titanic' image in the 'meme.' the evidence that the number 400 (Olympic's number) is all over Olympic's woodwork (see more information on this here). This claim is of course connected to the previous claim that the ship hit, instead of an iceberg, an IMM rescue ship that was drifting with its lights out. Also, fragments of linoleum have been recovered from the wreck, further proving this to be more likely than carpet. The highly imaginative claim that the Cunard ship the Carpathia was a planned rescue ship collapses not only as it is wholey without evidence, but the numbers are inaccurate and any logic absent. Without further information or documentation on this "private flat in the Wirral" -even a photograph - Paddy also said "cargo of a few thousand woolly jumpers and blankets." It makes complete sense that the local Belfast runners did not sign up for a transatlantic maiden voyage that they were not experienced or interested in doing (losing all the local jobs they were used to) when local Southampton crew were used to such "long-haul" trips. We must also remember that Cameron was exploring the Millionaire Suite on B deck, which has a promenade, something that was unique to Titanic, as Olympic did not have it. Ship remained as they appeared at the same point where the Hawke hit evidence of 'white ' on! 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