cooked: survival by zip code transcriptkortney wilson new partner

By Linda Villarosa. In addition to producing COOKED: Survival by Zip Code, Doremus co-produced the Academy Award nominated and Emmy Award winning, ABACUS: Small Enough to Jail for PBS Frontline series. COOKED is an adaptation of "HEAT WAVE: A Social Autopsy of Disaster in Chicago" (2002), Eric Klinenberg's groundbreaking book. BLUE VINYL received the Sundance Excellence Award in Cinematography and two Emmy nominations and its prequel, A HEALTHY BABY GIRL, won a Peabody. A committed field-builder and educator, Helfand co-founded Working Films in 1999 and Chicken & Egg Pictures in 2005. All rights reserved. It reminds us that a systematic 'Poverty Emergency Plan' would be more effective and pre-emptive than a 'Heat Emergency Plan' and so-called 'natural' disasters are anything but natural, representing instead our collective failure to address poverty and inequality as an everyday crisis.' Kathy Leichter is an award-winning documentary producer, director, impact producer, and engagement strategist with over thirty years of experience. See the virtual panel discussion with filmmakers here. 'Cooked chronicles the painful truth that waiting for the government can be hazardous to your health. MPH, F.A.C.P. Skip to main content (laughing)107400:58:09,886 --> 00:58:12,845The mission, to be readyfor the massive earthquake107500:58:12,870 --> 00:58:14,999that's expected tohit the Midwest,107600:58:15,024 --> 00:58:17,707and simulate acoordinated response.107700:58:19,325 --> 00:58:22,298The last major earthquake, 1812.107800:58:23,730 --> 00:58:25,739[Man] Kilo YankeeFour Hotel Charlie.107900:58:25,740 --> 00:58:27,679K-Y-4-E-O-C.108000:58:27,680 --> 00:58:31,109Kentucky joint forceheadquarters to Kentucky cab,108100:58:31,110 --> 00:58:33,679Alpha Foxtrot Alpha Fouris here, Whiskey, over.108200:58:33,680 --> 00:58:36,729We've had a 7.7Richter scale earthquake.108300:58:36,730 --> 00:58:40,579You can see the damageis particularly intensive108400:58:40,580 --> 00:58:42,649west of the landbetween the lakes region108500:58:42,650 --> 00:58:44,799here in the JacksonPurchase region.108600:58:44,800 --> 00:58:46,293The Cavalier CityFire Department is108700:58:46,317 --> 00:58:47,706inoperable becauseof the earthquake.108800:58:47,707 --> 00:58:51,189A 7,000 pound release ofchlorine that was near a school.108900:58:51,190 --> 00:58:54,266[Man Standing] We had625 casualties, 200 deaths,109000:58:54,267 --> 00:58:57,409275,000 seeking shelter.109100:58:57,410 --> 00:58:58,766So we're sending down a million109200:58:58,790 --> 00:59:00,199MREs and a millionbottles of water.109300:59:00,200 --> 00:59:03,339Medical supplies,food, water, tinnage,109400:59:03,340 --> 00:59:05,549whatever the civilians need.109500:59:05,550 --> 00:59:08,189We got a notificationfrom one of our operators109600:59:08,218 --> 00:59:10,228saying that there was alot of damage in Memphis.109700:59:11,847 --> 00:59:12,798Exercise message.109800:59:14,224 --> 00:59:15,183Exercise message.109900:59:15,191 --> 00:59:16,139[Judith] OK.110000:59:16,140 --> 00:59:18,679I did forget,I was too busy marveling110100:59:18,680 --> 00:59:20,209at our nation's ability110200:59:20,210 --> 00:59:22,869and seeminglyunconditional commitment110300:59:22,870 --> 00:59:26,079to marshal resources,rebuild infrastructure,110400:59:26,080 --> 00:59:30,459save lives, and ensure thatcitizens are fed, housed,110500:59:30,460 --> 00:59:32,073and provided medical care.110600:59:33,560 --> 00:59:37,359That is, as long as it's inthe wake of a natural disaster.110700:59:37,360 --> 00:59:40,141(crowd applauding)110800:59:40,166 --> 00:59:41,251[Man] There you go.110900:59:41,260 --> 00:59:45,535So, response versusmitigation versus preparedness.111000:59:45,560 --> 00:59:50,560Could the recovery come in,in advance of the disaster?111100:59:51,570 --> 00:59:53,549And even in advanceof the preparedness,111200:59:53,550 --> 00:59:56,853because that's, maybe therecovery is preparedness.111300:59:56,892 --> 00:59:58,810But,how are you going to do that111400:59:58,830 --> 01:00:01,123being withoutpersonnel and funds?111501:00:02,370 --> 01:00:04,743You don't have no personneland you have no funds.111601:00:05,580 --> 01:00:07,793You only receive thatafter the disaster.111701:00:09,130 --> 01:00:12,319[Judith] My idea wasn't tosend in the National Guard.111801:00:12,320 --> 01:00:15,229We had more than10,000 people participate111901:00:15,230 --> 01:00:17,189in this exercise yesterday.112001:00:17,190 --> 01:00:19,909[Judith] But with a minortweak to the term disaster,112101:00:19,910 --> 01:00:22,739maybe this well-fundedfederal agency112201:00:22,740 --> 01:00:25,119could invest in thelong-term resilience112301:00:25,120 --> 01:00:26,769of the vulnerable communities112401:00:26,770 --> 01:00:28,983they're actuallypreparing to rescue.112501:00:30,400 --> 01:00:32,819The trick ends up beingnot what you're chasing here112601:00:32,820 --> 01:00:35,499by turning that into adisaster, 'cause it's not112701:00:35,500 --> 01:00:36,819[Judith] Well it is a disaster.112801:00:36,820 --> 01:00:40,933No, it's a crisis andit's, (laughing)112901:00:40,957 --> 01:00:43,959it's one of the negativeparts of the real world.113001:00:43,960 --> 01:00:46,829And where I come from,nobody gets a free pass.113101:00:46,830 --> 01:00:48,599You have to take,you reach down,113201:00:48,600 --> 01:00:51,009grab yourself by thebootstraps, and let's go.113301:00:51,010 --> 01:00:53,469I wish I had abetter answer for ya.113401:00:53,470 --> 01:00:55,599I will say, you've piquedmy interest, I'm thinking,113501:00:55,600 --> 01:00:57,759my brain is tryingto connect some dots,113601:00:57,760 --> 01:01:01,449but I can't get to whereyou want to mobilize113701:01:01,450 --> 01:01:04,533this agency or thisorganization in advance.113801:01:06,020 --> 01:01:07,459It just doesn't work that way.113901:01:07,460 --> 01:01:10,299Now if you changed the laws,and we get people to agree114001:01:10,300 --> 01:01:12,553that we wanna changethe world we live in,114101:01:13,710 --> 01:01:15,509kinda the holy grail, right?114201:01:15,510 --> 01:01:17,823Go for it, I'm right behind you.114301:01:19,728 --> 01:01:22,311(gentle music)114401:01:23,850 --> 01:01:26,749[Judith] I left Frankfurt,Kentucky and headed south114501:01:26,750 --> 01:01:29,169towards the Tennesseeborder to get a good look114601:01:29,170 --> 01:01:30,620at the New Madrid fault line.114701:01:31,950 --> 01:01:34,369A disaster in waitingthat might not,114801:01:34,370 --> 01:01:36,479despite all of this preparation,114901:01:36,480 --> 01:01:38,203even happen in our lifetime.115001:01:39,230 --> 01:01:41,803But of course,I couldn't see anything.115101:01:44,640 --> 01:01:46,259How did we get here?115201:01:46,260 --> 01:01:49,689To a place where so many peoplebelieve that if you're poor,115301:01:49,690 --> 01:01:52,059it's because youdidn't pull hard enough115401:01:52,060 --> 01:01:53,453on your own bootstraps.115501:01:59,910 --> 01:02:01,179{\an8}So what you're struggling with115601:02:01,180 --> 01:02:03,929{\an8}is why are wespending so much money115701:02:03,930 --> 01:02:06,689{\an8}on these low-probability events115801:02:07,240 --> 01:02:10,219when we have people dyinglike flies all around us?115901:02:10,220 --> 01:02:12,999And that money couldbe helping people now.116001:02:13,000 --> 01:02:14,169- Is that it?- Yes.116101:02:14,170 --> 01:02:15,002Yeah.116201:02:15,003 --> 01:02:17,533Well, right.116301:02:18,783 --> 01:02:24,831Yeah, you're right to seethat as an unreasonable116401:02:24,840 --> 01:02:27,269allocation ofresources, 'cause it is.116501:02:27,270 --> 01:02:29,669In order to get help fromthe federal government,116601:02:29,670 --> 01:02:32,639you typically haveto make some showing116701:02:32,640 --> 01:02:34,579that whatever it isthat has happened to you116801:02:34,580 --> 01:02:35,699is not your fault.116901:02:35,700 --> 01:02:40,639And, as a result of that,we pay a lot of attention117001:02:40,640 --> 01:02:43,499in this country to howpeople came to be in need117101:02:43,500 --> 01:02:44,909in the first place.117201:02:44,910 --> 01:02:48,529And their claims arediscredited in our system117301:02:48,530 --> 01:02:50,859by the sense thatthey could have117401:02:50,860 --> 01:02:53,778or should havehelped themselves.117501:02:54,861 --> 01:02:57,864But that is our historyand our tradition.117601:02:57,866 --> 01:03:00,949(slow, somber music)117701:03:08,537 --> 01:03:09,545(people chattering)117801:03:09,546 --> 01:03:11,562[Woman] Number three.117901:03:11,586 --> 01:03:12,963[Man] What happenedto number one?118001:03:12,964 --> 01:03:14,422[Woman] Numberone is right here.118101:03:14,447 --> 01:03:15,361[Man] Open.118201:03:16,580 --> 01:03:18,299{\an8}Number one come right on in.118301:03:18,343 --> 01:03:19,335{\an8}- Two.- Hold on to that.118401:03:19,570 --> 01:03:21,949[Judith] Watching thisgroup of Englewood elders118501:03:21,950 --> 01:03:25,509line up at 7:00 a.m. to gethelp with their energy bills118601:03:25,510 --> 01:03:27,439made our historyand our tradition118701:03:27,440 --> 01:03:30,563seem not only absurd tome, but criminal.118801:03:33,349 --> 01:03:35,182Sir, take your time.118901:03:37,670 --> 01:03:39,296[Judith] Every year, a one-time119001:03:39,320 --> 01:03:42,257federally-funded subsidy of $150119101:03:42,281 --> 01:03:44,367is available forthose who qualify.119201:03:45,300 --> 01:03:47,854As long as the moneydoesn't run out.119301:03:47,855 --> 01:03:48,855Number 10.119401:03:52,836 --> 01:03:54,658Good morning everyone.119501:03:56,256 --> 01:04:01,178{\an8}You know you need yourlight bill, your gas bill,119601:04:01,190 --> 01:04:02,408{\an8}and they have to be current.119701:04:02,920 --> 01:04:06,699We need your income,social security card119801:04:06,700 --> 01:04:09,159for everyone that'sin the household.119901:04:09,160 --> 01:04:12,323A current rentreceipt if you rent.120001:04:13,350 --> 01:04:16,169So you can takethose documents out,120101:04:16,170 --> 01:04:17,773hold 'em in your hand now.120201:04:20,146 --> 01:04:24,188{\an8}They had a cooling programand then they ran out of money.120301:04:24,213 --> 01:04:28,629{\an8}So that cooling programlasted about two or three days.120401:04:28,630 --> 01:04:31,253{\an8}Many people did notget help who needed it.120501:04:32,450 --> 01:04:33,829The money wasn't there.120601:04:33,830 --> 01:04:36,492It wasn't that they did notapply, the money was not there.120701:04:36,493 --> 01:04:38,859See, that money comes fromthe federal government120801:04:38,860 --> 01:04:41,059to the state, then to the city.120901:04:41,060 --> 01:04:43,969But they're more than a hundredintake sites in the city121001:04:43,970 --> 01:04:45,509like ours here.121101:04:45,510 --> 01:04:49,429So there's hundreds of peopleapplying at the same time.121201:04:49,430 --> 01:04:51,163So that money justgoes like that.121301:04:55,232 --> 01:04:56,733- What was it, '85?- '95.121401:05:00,952 --> 01:05:03,119[Judith] How old was he?121501:05:04,170 --> 01:05:07,153He was 58, he was 58.121601:05:07,178 --> 01:05:08,522[Judith] I'm sorry.121701:05:08,523 --> 01:05:09,356Mm-hmm.121801:05:10,999 --> 01:05:13,652(people chattering)121901:05:13,653 --> 01:05:15,074[Woman] 17.122001:05:15,075 --> 01:05:16,158[Woman] 17.122101:05:17,104 --> 01:05:18,476Do you own or rent?122201:05:18,477 --> 01:05:19,418[Client] Own.122301:05:19,419 --> 01:05:21,202Own, OK.122401:05:21,203 --> 01:05:24,203(people chattering)122501:05:31,180 --> 01:05:33,099You can tell a lotabout what we care about122601:05:33,100 --> 01:05:34,750by where we'reputting our money.122701:05:36,460 --> 01:05:40,599People want thoseresources to be at standby122801:05:40,600 --> 01:05:45,600in case they are experiencingan earthquake or a fire122901:05:45,950 --> 01:05:48,349or a flood or hurricane.123001:05:48,350 --> 01:05:50,929Because they can imaginethat happening to them.123101:05:50,930 --> 01:05:54,079A white person cannoteasily imagine what it is123201:05:54,080 --> 01:05:57,919to be a person ofcolor in a community123301:05:57,920 --> 01:06:00,863that doesn't have access togood food or medical care.123401:06:05,555 --> 01:06:06,848{\an8}Have you ever had a mammogram?123501:06:06,872 --> 01:06:07,705{\an8}No, I have not.123601:06:07,721 --> 01:06:09,431{\an8}Are you interestedin having a mammogram?123701:06:09,439 --> 01:06:10,506{\an8}No, I'm not.123801:06:10,515 --> 01:06:13,057{\an8}OK, is there any specificreason, you mind me asking?123901:06:13,518 --> 01:06:18,565No, I just don't wanna have one.124001:06:18,590 --> 01:06:21,809I just, I got plentygoing in my life and124101:06:21,810 --> 01:06:23,880- [Oreletta] Too much already.- Yeah, that's enough.124201:06:23,904 --> 01:06:26,048OK, well do you mind ifI send you a reminder just to124301:06:26,072 --> 01:06:27,049A reminder is fine.124401:06:27,073 --> 01:06:28,617keep on encouragingyou to get one?124501:06:28,640 --> 01:06:29,832- Yes, no problem.- OK.124601:06:29,833 --> 01:06:32,299[Judith] What Icame to learn is this.124701:06:32,300 --> 01:06:35,449In the absence of anysignificant investment,124801:06:35,450 --> 01:06:38,479communities that are mostvulnerable every day,124901:06:38,480 --> 01:06:40,939are forced to rely ontheir own ingenuity125001:06:40,940 --> 01:06:43,009and very meager resources125101:06:43,010 --> 01:06:47,299to respond to the crisis thatmost everyone else ignores.125201:06:47,300 --> 01:06:48,749Like the communityhealth workers125301:06:48,750 --> 01:06:51,059from the Sinai UrbanHealth Institute,125401:06:51,060 --> 01:06:53,049who spend their daysreaching out to women125501:06:53,050 --> 01:06:54,979who suffer breast cancer deaths125601:06:54,980 --> 01:06:58,349at a rate 40% higherthan the white women125701:06:58,350 --> 01:06:59,653on the other side of town.125801:07:00,069 --> 01:07:01,289{\an8}I'm uninsured.125901:07:01,290 --> 01:07:02,999{\an8}OK, you don't haveto worry about that.126001:07:03,000 --> 01:07:05,122{\an8}We have a state-funded programso we pay for the cost.126101:07:05,690 --> 01:07:07,649Once we enter you intothe computer system126201:07:07,650 --> 01:07:09,784then I get you in,probably about a week's time.126301:07:09,785 --> 01:07:10,783OK.126401:07:10,784 --> 01:07:13,683Insurance, anytype, you got, put no.126501:07:15,030 --> 01:07:18,349Check there, and ah.126601:07:18,350 --> 01:07:19,929When the last timeyou had a mammogram?126701:07:19,930 --> 01:07:20,762Probably last year.126801:07:20,763 --> 01:07:22,569Last year,are you set for this year?126901:07:22,570 --> 01:07:23,551I need another one.127001:07:23,552 --> 01:07:24,649You need another, OK.127101:07:24,650 --> 01:07:26,809Every day,I go into an exam room127201:07:26,810 --> 01:07:29,679and I work with people thathave medical conditions,127301:07:29,680 --> 01:07:32,109much of which could'vebeen prevented127401:07:32,110 --> 01:07:35,079or at least made mucheasier to deal with127501:07:35,080 --> 01:07:37,409if they had thestructural conditions127601:07:37,410 --> 01:07:38,710they need to stay healthy.127701:07:39,646 --> 01:07:40,942People think that poor people127801:07:40,981 --> 01:07:43,275don't know how to eat healthyor don't wanna eat healthy.127901:07:43,650 --> 01:07:45,025{\an8}A lot of it ismore about access.128001:07:45,050 --> 01:07:46,176{\an8}They don't have access to it.128101:07:46,201 --> 01:07:47,761{\an8}It's difficult forthem to get to places.128201:07:48,363 --> 01:07:49,643The things thatthey have in their128301:07:49,685 --> 01:07:51,124neighbourhood are not healthy.128401:07:51,149 --> 01:07:52,049[Woman] We have food.128501:07:52,050 --> 01:07:56,392So that's our vision,bring the food to the people.128601:07:56,393 --> 01:07:59,643(gentle, bouncy music)128701:08:13,999 --> 01:08:15,402[Boy] I'll taste salad.128801:08:15,403 --> 01:08:18,035You'll taste salad,OK, salad is good,128901:08:18,059 --> 01:08:19,436it's a good start,what about like.129001:08:19,437 --> 01:08:21,969[Judith] Fresh Moves isa decommissioned city bus129101:08:21,970 --> 01:08:25,509turned mobile market, bringingaffordable fresh produce129201:08:25,510 --> 01:08:28,079to the neighborhoodsthat are often referred to129301:08:28,080 --> 01:08:29,183as food deserts.129401:08:29,863 --> 01:08:31,072Have you ever tried a pear?129501:08:31,073 --> 01:08:32,573Do you wanna try one?129601:08:32,574 --> 01:08:34,237What if buy you anapple or a pear?129701:08:34,238 --> 01:08:35,070Apple.129801:08:35,071 --> 01:08:37,171You wanna try, OK,which one you want?129901:08:38,426 --> 01:08:40,269As a matter of fact, I'm,130001:08:40,270 --> 01:08:41,643is that the one you want, OK.130101:08:41,644 --> 01:08:43,354You got to wait tillthey check out up there.130201:08:43,378 --> 01:08:46,049Just hold on to it.That's a big thing.130301:08:46,050 --> 01:08:47,634[Sheelah] Yeah,you gonna eat it all.130401:08:49,674 --> 01:08:51,258[Woman] Come on,try it, just try it.130501:08:51,281 --> 01:08:52,362Come on.130601:08:52,385 --> 01:08:53,457- Please.- Do it, do it,130701:08:53,481 --> 01:08:56,056do it, do it, do it. " Cooked: Survival by Zip Code shines a light on the issues of poverty, race, class, and education that underlie how natural disasters take lives." Brian Tallerico, "Helfand's brilliance in Cooked is precisely the way she shifts and re-orients our entire social mentality and approach to thinking about racism, poverty, and disaster. The organization's films have received four Academy Award nominations and won several major prizes, including six Emmys, four Peabody Awards, multiple Independent Spirit, IDA, PGA and DGA awards, and duPont-Columbia and Robert F. Kennedy journalism awards. Watch the discussion here. Cooked tells the story of the tragic 1995 Chicago heatwave, the most traumatic in U.S. history, in which 739 citizens died over the course of just a single week, most of them poor, elderly, and African American.. By Alma Anderson McDonald. He co-edited the recently releasedCooked: Survival by Zip Code; as well asAbacus: Small Enough to Jail, which received a2018 Oscar nomination, wonBest Documentary Editingat the Ashland Film Festival, and was termed an exemplary piece of filmmaking by Sight & Sound. Kartemquin is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization based in Chicago. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window). Cooked Survival By Zip Code cover. His work has been included and listed as notable in Best American anthologies. I highly recommend this film for broadening awareness of the links between environmental justice, social justice, and poverty.' April 17 - First Church in Jamaica Plain Unitarian Universalist - Hyde Park, MA, April 17 - First Church in Jamaica Plain - Jamaica Plain, MA, March 7 - 8 - One Earth Film Festival - Oak Park, IL, February 28 - Transitions Film Festival - Melbourne, AUS, February 27 - Fleetwood-Jourdain Center - Evanston, IL, February 15 - Chicago Cultural Center - Claudia Cassidy Theater - Chicago, IL, February 12 - Penn State - Centre County, PA, February 10 - Vermont PBS Sunday Best Series - Burlington, VT, February 8 - Mandel Public Library of West Palm Beach - West Palm Beach, FL, February 1 - Lower East Side Girls Club - New York, NY, January 15 - Meaningful Movies - Tacoma, Washington, January 28 - Northeastern Illinois University - Chicago, IL, January 30 - Antioch M.B. The Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Office and the Center for Climate Change, Climate Justice, and Health are excited to co-host a virtual discussion on the documentary Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, by Peabody Award-winning filmmaker Judith Helfand, on Monday, November 16 at Noon. April 29 -"Covering Communities in Crisis: "COOKED: Survival By Zip Code" and the COVID-19 Pandemic". "19000:10:03,900 --> 00:10:07,499I walked to theambulance and I looked in19100:10:07,500 --> 00:10:09,949and I saw these bodies in there19200:10:09,950 --> 00:10:14,259and they just laid her ontop of the other bodies,19300:10:14,260 --> 00:10:15,973like she was a cord of wood.19400:10:19,581 --> 00:10:22,542And then I thought,well, does that mean19500:10:22,553 --> 00:10:24,509that they're gonnago get other bodies19600:10:24,510 --> 00:10:26,710and lay the bodies ontop of my grandmother?19700:10:30,425 --> 00:10:32,761{\an8}Well the chief medicalexaminer tells us tonight19800:10:32,806 --> 00:10:36,685{\an8}that at least 50 more bodiesawait examination tomorrow.19900:10:36,710 --> 00:10:38,729{\an8}We did get a bit of abreak from the heat tonight20000:10:38,754 --> 00:10:41,668{\an8}but the number of heat-relateddeaths continues to grow.20100:10:42,060 --> 00:10:43,649The crush was so intense,20200:10:43,650 --> 00:10:46,749a refrigerated truck wasbrought in to store bodies20300:10:46,750 --> 00:10:48,580until staff could get to them.20400:10:49,640 --> 00:10:52,789Now also, we just saw fivemore refrigerated trucks20500:10:52,790 --> 00:10:53,859go by us.20600:10:53,860 --> 00:10:56,359Apparently the one refrigeratedtruck they've got back there20700:10:56,360 --> 00:10:58,659is already full,they're bringing extras20800:10:58,660 --> 00:11:01,059for what could be a verylong couple of days.20900:11:01,060 --> 00:11:02,599It has been a breakfrom the heat,21000:11:02,600 --> 00:11:04,749but they're now discoveringthe bodies that were dead21100:11:04,750 --> 00:11:07,379on Thursday and Friday,and they're now discovering them21200:11:07,380 --> 00:11:09,053as they begin to decompose.21300:11:12,843 --> 00:11:14,596There had been noannouncements on the news,21400:11:14,620 --> 00:11:17,641no discussion from thecity, no checking on people.21500:11:18,050 --> 00:11:20,189{\an8}But the minute you see,in the paper or on the news,21600:11:20,190 --> 00:11:22,749{\an8}wherever I saw it first, thatthere're refrigerator trucks,21700:11:22,750 --> 00:11:24,249{\an8}that means there'sso many dead bodies21800:11:24,271 --> 00:11:26,231{\an8}that the coroner doesn'thave room for 'em anymore.21900:11:26,255 --> 00:11:29,055{\an8}That's enough, right thereyou know you were in trouble.22000:11:30,320 --> 00:11:31,820You can't bring any more in.22100:11:32,835 --> 00:11:34,909(slow, somber music)22200:11:34,910 --> 00:11:37,823I was at the medical examiner'soffice for a solid week.22300:11:39,180 --> 00:11:42,415They were doing autopsiesvery nearly around the clock.22400:11:42,970 --> 00:11:44,917{\an8}You almost had to run a gauntlet22500:11:44,941 --> 00:11:47,879{\an8}to walk through anywhere,22600:11:47,904 --> 00:11:52,357{\an8}to avoid touching atray that held a body.22700:11:53,882 --> 00:11:55,195It looked like a war zone.22800:11:58,890 --> 00:12:00,720With the medicalexaminer's office,22900:12:01,410 --> 00:12:04,517{\an8}they couldn't afford to gothrough all of the steps,23000:12:04,518 --> 00:12:07,873{\an8}so, everybody had togo and find their own.23100:12:10,610 --> 00:12:12,979{\an8}So I had to get up in atruck and there was maybe 8023200:12:12,980 --> 00:12:18,076{\an8}to a hundred remains ormore, in the bags.23300:12:18,100 --> 00:12:19,969{\an8}So basically had to gothrough every remain,23400:12:19,970 --> 00:12:21,118{\an8}checking toe tags,23500:12:21,661 --> 00:12:24,956until we could find the personsthat we were coming to get.23600:12:24,970 --> 00:12:28,239So in event of someonethat I was picking up,23700:12:28,240 --> 00:12:30,799it was like maybe acouple of people on top.23800:12:30,800 --> 00:12:33,349So you had to justtry to move them over.23900:12:33,350 --> 00:12:36,469It was just, it was,yeah it was sad really.24000:12:36,470 --> 00:12:37,570You know it's a sight.24100:12:40,720 --> 00:12:43,223It did have an emotionaleffect on all of us.24200:12:44,268 --> 00:12:47,579We couldn't just sit andboo hoo with the family.24300:12:47,580 --> 00:12:50,043We had to maintainour professionalism.24400:12:54,000 --> 00:12:57,029{\an8}Saturday morning I camein and we had 87 cases.24500:12:57,030 --> 00:13:00,459{\an8}Sunday morning we had 83cases and today we have 117.24600:13:00,460 --> 00:13:01,923{\an8}Now our average is 17.24700:13:03,350 --> 00:13:04,329So what we're seeing here24800:13:04,330 --> 00:13:06,383is we're seeing anexcess mortality.24900:13:09,600 --> 00:13:11,833I'm around deathon a daily basis.25000:13:12,850 --> 00:13:14,253'95 was frightening.25100:13:17,030 --> 00:13:22,030{\an8}This was in a SRO, which is asingle room occupancy hotel.25200:13:22,910 --> 00:13:25,169These are folks that couldn'tafford air conditioning,25300:13:25,170 --> 00:13:27,520or the electricity torun the air conditioning.25400:13:28,850 --> 00:13:30,449You can see thewindows are closed25500:13:30,450 --> 00:13:32,500and there's not evena fan in the window.25600:13:33,920 --> 00:13:35,769There were two peopleat the same time.25700:13:35,770 --> 00:13:37,539One of 'em was havinga heart attack,25800:13:37,540 --> 00:13:39,633and another guy wasDOA from the heat.25900:13:46,260 --> 00:13:47,869They brought him outand took him over26000:13:47,870 --> 00:13:49,543to the medicalexaminer's office.26100:13:51,270 --> 00:13:54,339And unfortunately this isa sight that I saw often,26200:13:54,340 --> 00:13:58,503but usually victims ofhomicides, not from heat.26300:14:07,170 --> 00:14:09,609{\an8}We cannot sayexactly how many deaths26400:14:09,610 --> 00:14:12,329{\an8}are a direct result of the heat.26500:14:12,330 --> 00:14:15,899{\an8}But we know that the numberof non-violent deaths26600:14:15,900 --> 00:14:18,443{\an8}over the last four dayscontinued to climb.26700:14:19,390 --> 00:14:20,969In the last four26800:14:20,970 --> 00:14:23,369[Judith] Non-violent deaths?26900:14:23,370 --> 00:14:25,609I had to stop and replaythe mayor's comment27000:14:25,610 --> 00:14:28,449a few times over,to try and wrap my head around27100:14:28,450 --> 00:14:30,143what he meant by that term.27200:14:30,832 --> 00:14:34,211That the number of non-violentdeaths continued to27300:14:34,230 --> 00:14:36,869[Judith] Because being cookedto death behind closed doors27400:14:36,870 --> 00:14:39,763seemed to me to be apretty violent way to die.27500:14:46,181 --> 00:14:48,517Oh when you have three,when you have 339 people,27600:14:48,558 --> 00:14:51,089there's a lot of people dead,I mean, that's a lot of people.27700:14:53,146 --> 00:14:54,439[Man At Door] This Mr. Patrick?27800:14:54,463 --> 00:14:55,755[Announcer] Crisis intervention27900:14:55,774 --> 00:14:57,919workers respond tocalls of concern.28000:14:57,943 --> 00:15:00,609A 60-year-old womanhadn't been heard from.28100:15:00,610 --> 00:15:04,109Take all this away fromhere, and open this window up.28200:15:04,110 --> 00:15:05,629Well I'm on the first floor.28300:15:05,630 --> 00:15:07,829[Man] Oh you afraid ofsomebody throwing some bricks28400:15:07,830 --> 00:15:09,339- or something?- They'd come in.28500:15:09,340 --> 00:15:10,970[Man] Oh,you think that might come in?28600:15:10,994 --> 00:15:12,481You have a screenhere, don't you dear?28700:15:12,482 --> 00:15:13,314[Woman] Yes sir.28800:15:13,315 --> 00:15:14,969They'll break the screen open?28900:15:14,970 --> 00:15:16,722What will a sharpknife do to a screen?29000:15:16,723 --> 00:15:19,069[Man] Yes, it will.29100:15:19,070 --> 00:15:21,499[Judith] As I watchedthis agonizing choice29200:15:21,500 --> 00:15:24,669between staying safeand staying cool,29300:15:24,670 --> 00:15:26,719I thought about thenine refrigerated trucks29400:15:26,720 --> 00:15:29,909that were parked outsidethe county morgue for weeks,29500:15:29,910 --> 00:15:33,969each one filled with hundredsof deceased Chicago residents.29600:15:33,970 --> 00:15:36,869And how ironic it was,that they finally got29700:15:36,870 --> 00:15:40,453the air conditioning theyneeded while awaiting autopsy.29800:15:43,947 --> 00:15:46,575{\an8}Cooler air came rushingin across the country today,29900:15:46,610 --> 00:15:47,983{\an8}after a brutal heatwave.30000:15:49,810 --> 00:15:52,779Hardest hit was the cityof Chicago and its elderly.30100:15:52,780 --> 00:15:53,949Many are wondering tonight,30200:15:53,950 --> 00:15:56,999how could heat killso many people?30300:15:57,000 --> 00:16:00,729{\an8}Sexiness for the new mediawas it was about the heat.30400:16:00,730 --> 00:16:02,459{\an8}But, the real story is,30500:16:02,460 --> 00:16:04,710{\an8}why were people in theseneighborhoods dying?30600:16:06,560 --> 00:16:09,179People weren't dyingon the north side,30700:16:09,180 --> 00:16:11,130people weren't dyingin the Gold Coast.30800:16:14,644 --> 00:16:17,867People were dying on thesouth and west sides.30900:16:22,020 --> 00:16:24,149[Judith] Eric gave methe medical examiner's list31000:16:24,150 --> 00:16:26,453of heatwave victimswith their addresses,31100:16:28,510 --> 00:16:30,799and I went frombuilding to building31200:16:30,800 --> 00:16:33,609wondering why there were moredeaths in some neighborhoods31300:16:33,610 --> 00:16:36,389than others,and about all the elements31400:16:36,390 --> 00:16:40,459that lead up to someonedying a slow, violent death31500:16:40,460 --> 00:16:42,233alone in the heat.31600:16:44,230 --> 00:16:49,236Why is it that people dieduring an extreme weather event?31700:16:49,260 --> 00:16:52,139{\an8}Well I think peopledie from the heat31800:16:52,140 --> 00:16:56,163{\an8}for two highlycorrelated reasons.31900:16:58,010 --> 00:17:02,779One is 'cause it's hotand they're not able32000:17:02,780 --> 00:17:05,609to defend themselvesagainst the heat.32100:17:05,610 --> 00:17:10,610And that defense could be interms of opening their windows.32200:17:11,400 --> 00:17:13,019And in poor,vulnerable communities,32300:17:13,020 --> 00:17:15,309people don't wannaopen their windows.32400:17:15,310 --> 00:17:18,089It could be by turningon the air conditioner,32500:17:18,090 --> 00:17:19,559and in vulnerable communities,32600:17:19,560 --> 00:17:21,979people don't haveair conditioning.32700:17:21,980 --> 00:17:25,809And it could also begoing outside their house32800:17:25,810 --> 00:17:29,299and going to an institutionwhere there is air conditioning.32900:17:29,300 --> 00:17:32,679For example, a public librarymight have air conditioning.33000:17:32,680 --> 00:17:34,539Or even the lobby ofan apartment house33100:17:34,540 --> 00:17:36,009might have air conditioning.33200:17:36,010 --> 00:17:40,689And, vulnerable communitiestend not to have those as well.33300:17:40,690 --> 00:17:43,499The second,and intimately related factor,33400:17:43,500 --> 00:17:47,879is if you have apre-existing condition,33500:17:47,880 --> 00:17:50,039so it's alreadyweakened your body,33600:17:50,040 --> 00:17:53,459then clearly it's gonna beeasier for the heat to kill you.33700:17:53,460 --> 00:17:55,689{\an8}[Announcer] It canhappen so quickly.33800:17:55,690 --> 00:17:59,819Temperature inside soars, yourbody can't regulate the heat.33900:17:59,820 --> 00:18:02,539It can happen toanyone of any age,34000:18:02,540 --> 00:18:04,993but seniors areparticularly vulnerable.34100:18:06,673 --> 00:18:08,386The question is,what do we do about that?34200:18:08,410 --> 00:18:11,689Can we minimizethose excess deaths?34300:18:11,690 --> 00:18:13,967And the answer is, yes,we could have minimized it.34400:18:19,411 --> 00:18:21,413We've offered that,but there's not a great number34500:18:21,438 --> 00:18:23,529of people who've come inand taken advantage of it.34600:18:24,107 --> 00:18:26,482There's really verylittle explanation for it.34700:18:27,485 --> 00:18:28,527Thank you.34800:18:35,437 --> 00:18:38,679[Judith] Do you think thishas anything to do with race?34900:18:38,680 --> 00:18:43,806I think that, I have to go with,35000:18:43,830 --> 00:18:46,009there's a sayingin Chicago that's35100:18:46,010 --> 00:18:47,649everything is about race.35200:18:47,650 --> 00:18:50,859The majority of the peoplethat died were minority,35300:18:50,860 --> 00:18:52,459mostly poor.35400:18:52,460 --> 00:18:54,409You don't have tobe poor to be black,35500:18:54,410 --> 00:18:56,509you don't have tobe black to be poor.35600:18:56,510 --> 00:18:57,545But35700:19:00,060 --> 00:19:02,020{\an8}[Judith] Just as manyChicagoans were starting35800:19:02,044 --> 00:19:04,579{\an8}to realise that the blackcommunity had suffered35900:19:04,580 --> 00:19:07,039{\an8}a disproportionatenumber of deaths,36000:19:07,040 --> 00:19:09,233{\an8}Mayor Daley wenton the offensive.36100:19:09,570 --> 00:19:12,019[Announcer] For his part,Daley pointed a finger of blame36200:19:12,020 --> 00:19:14,409at some of the familiesof the senior citizens36300:19:14,410 --> 00:19:17,009who died all alonein the hellish heat.36400:19:17,010 --> 00:19:21,229We have to appeal, to allthe family members of seniors,36500:19:21,230 --> 00:19:24,509to call, go over there,see their mother or father36600:19:24,510 --> 00:19:26,510or their aunt anduncle, that is a must.36700:19:27,380 --> 00:19:29,029{\an8}I think there was denial.36800:19:29,030 --> 00:19:33,649{\an8}A lot of the heads ofstate were in denial36900:19:33,650 --> 00:19:35,609{\an8}about what was going on you see,37000:19:35,610 --> 00:19:39,083{\an8}because it didn'ttouch them directly.37100:19:40,240 --> 00:19:43,423And because it didn't,they weren't involved directly,37200:19:45,120 --> 00:19:46,523they didn't feel the pinch.37300:19:47,520 --> 00:19:50,639Because they had theirair-conditioned places.37400:19:50,640 --> 00:19:52,419And they had theirswimming pools37500:19:52,420 --> 00:19:54,500and things thatthey could go to.37600:19:54,501 --> 00:19:57,789Whereas, our people didn'thave anyplace to go.37700:19:57,790 --> 00:19:59,871[Judith] Do you thinkit's really about the heat?37800:19:59,872 --> 00:20:04,093No, no,it's just about the lack of,37900:20:05,750 --> 00:20:08,350oh God help me,I don't wanna say that.38000:20:09,587 --> 00:20:12,519We'll just say,it's about a lack of compassion38100:20:12,520 --> 00:20:14,525on a lot of parts.38200:20:14,526 --> 00:20:15,999It's not really about the heat.38300:20:16,000 --> 00:20:18,679I think that there'sno need for poverty,38400:20:18,680 --> 00:20:20,499- as much poverty- As we have.38500:20:20,515 --> 00:20:22,708in our community as there is.38600:20:25,830 --> 00:20:27,499[Judith] Evenafter the heat broke,38700:20:27,500 --> 00:20:29,829the death countcontinued to climb.38800:20:29,830 --> 00:20:33,599And when it reached525, the mayor shifted38900:20:33,600 --> 00:20:35,259from blaming the families,39000:20:35,260 --> 00:20:37,922to questioning the medicalexaminer's numbers,39100:20:38,390 --> 00:20:40,959{\an8}which turned out to be apretty effective distraction.39200:20:40,960 --> 00:20:43,279{\an8}You can't contributeit all to heat.39300:20:43,280 --> 00:20:45,049{\an8}- But I mean- You can't, it's impossible.39400:20:45,050 --> 00:20:47,180{\an8}The mayor thinks therefigures should be examined,39500:20:47,181 --> 00:20:49,031{\an8}the medical examiner'soffice thinks39600:20:49,055 --> 00:20:50,728{\an8}that they willwithstand scrutiny.39700:20:50,729 --> 00:20:53,274{\an8}We would be delighted tohave these figures examined.39800:20:54,424 --> 00:20:56,468[Judith] While the mayorand the medical examiner39900:20:56,480 --> 00:20:58,999were having theirvery public argument,40000:20:59,000 --> 00:21:01,039the figures were being checked40100:21:01,040 --> 00:21:04,469by the city's ownchief epidemiologist.40200:21:04,470 --> 00:21:07,009I knew that peoplewould be dying40300:21:07,010 --> 00:21:09,339throughout the city ofChicago of the heat,40400:21:09,340 --> 00:21:12,436but dying in hospitals,and the doctors would say,40500:21:12,437 --> 00:21:14,096"Well,I've been treating this guy40600:21:14,097 --> 00:21:16,396for heart diseasefor three years,40700:21:16,397 --> 00:21:19,469and now he diedof heart disease. 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